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我不喜欢喝葡萄酒。Non mi piace il vino.

商务仓。非吸烟区。Busine cla . Non smoking.

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没有无刺玫瑰。Non c'e rosa senza spine.

我觉得我是个不受欢迎的人。I felt I was persona non grata.

此优惠不能转让。This offer is non transferable.

说明非动态的系统或状态。A non -dynamic system or condition.

请选择一个非空白的暱称。Please choose a non empty nickname.

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非素给你无限能量、无限活力。Non veg gives u extra power, vigour.

山河千古在,城郭一时非。In a non city rivers through the ages.

从他们的表情看,我显然是不受欢迎的人。Beter! Seeing as I'm persona non grata.

本课程为非计算机专业开设。This course is for non computer majors.

可能有一个不必须的原因。Could there be a non necessating causes.

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妈妈我不再害怕当你和我在一起。Mamma non ho più paura quando sei con me.

非实时可变比特速率?。VBR-NRT? Variable Bit Rate Non Real Time?

那关于其他非联赛球队的变动情况呢?Any major non leagued teams removed or added?

在这个过程中,我们被当作非人来对待。In the process we are degraded like non humans.

有些水域仅可使用无倒钩的单钩。Some waters only allow single non barbed hooks.

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该国政府宣布他为不受欢迎的人。The government declared him a person non grata.

在无法获取等情况…There are exceptions such as non -availability.

巴布·马利是雷鬼乐不可缺少的灵魂人物。Bob Marley was the sine qua non of reggae music.