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这些进步全都运用到了对待中间性的病人方面。All of this also applies to intersexual patients.

各种各样的中间性的病症,就自身来说,也是程度差异的问题。The various intersexual conditions are, in themselves, also matters of degree.

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可是,这些文献无一项提出中间性者所关切的涉及性的特殊事项。However, none of these documents addresses the specific concerns of intersexual persons.

我们的基本教程不可能涵盖可追溯到不同原因的所有的中间性。The present basic course cannot cover all intersexual conditions traceable to the different sources.

毕竟,即便“非矫正的”中间性症状也不会以任何形式贬低个人的尊严。After all, even an "uncorrected" intersexual condition does not diminish a person's dignity in any way.

自青海省的26岁阴阳人患者将接受收费手术调整。A 26-year-old intersexual from Qinghai Province will receive free surgery to become fully male today in Beijing.

没有人质疑对中间性者所迅即实施的“标准化手术”,却有人堂而皇之地认为手术终究“体现了孩子的最大利益”。There was no doubt that a prompt "normalization" of an intersexual body was always "in the best interest of the child".

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对中间性者来说,这种情形也是一个严重的问题,因为他们中的许多人诚实地与另一个性别成员缔结了婚约。This is a serious issue also for intersexual persons, because many of them marry "in good faith" someone of the other sex.

在西方法律传统里,像其他性少数的成员一样,中间性者从未有过任何明确的权利。In the Western legal tradition, intersexual persons, like members of other sexual minorities, never had any specific rights.

认为这三个特征可作为小睾丸间性羊的早期诊断指标。Accordingly, the above three characteristics can be considered as the diagnostic indexes for small-testicle intersexual kids.

其中的副作用是引起新生儿的中间性的病症并增加用药的女孩和孕妇的健康风险。Among these were intersexual conditions in newborn boys and increased health risks for girls and for the mothers who took the drug.

除了染色体和激素的病因以外,环境因素也可能捲入了中间性综合征的发生过程。In addition to chromosomal and hormonal causes, there may also be environmental factors involved in producing intersexual conditions.

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同样由于中间性援助社团的努力,中间性症状的医学治疗已经变得不那么武断和更加的慎重了。Thanks also to intersex advocacy groups, the medical treatment of intersexual conditions has become less dogmatic and more circumspect.

同样由于中间性援助社团的努力,中间性症状的医学治疗已经变得不那麽武断和更加的慎重了。Thanks also to intersex advocacy groups, the medical treatment of intersexual conditions has become less dogmatic and more circumspect.

提供信息和开展教育,以抗击对中间性病症的无根无据和无缘无故的羞辱、封锁、忽视、偏见和歧视。Inform and educate in order to combat unwarranted shame, secrecy, ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination associated with intersexual conditions.

本文从解剖学、组织学、细胞遗传学及遗传学方面对西农莎能山羊的间性个体进行了研究。Intersexual goats of Saanen breed of Xinong at Northwestern Agricultural University were studied in anatomy, histology, cytogenetics and genetics.

本文认为通过“文化治疗”实现黑人的两性和谐已成为整个黑人群体无法回避的现实选项。Therefore this paper concludes that achieving black intersexual harmony through " cultural healing" has already become an inevitable realistic choice for the entire black community.