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只是在回顾中才意识到,当时看似愚蠢的言行意义却如此深刻。It was only in retrospect that the silliness became profound.

它的观念,它的梦想,它所有单纯可爱的糊涂。The concept, the dream, the sheer lovely silliness of it all.

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2月2日是美国人犯傻的经典之作上演的日子。February 2 is the day for a classic bit of American silliness.

在你生活里加入爆笑点和傻气能改变你的游戏。Adding laughter and silliness to your life will be a game changer.

冷峻严肃,宽宏大量,她就是要让你晓得你也会犯傻犯糊涂。Earnest and magnanimous, she is reminding of man's occasional silliness.

这不仅让在座的人会心一笑,同时也指出了这情形有多愚蠢。It will make everyone laugh but also point out the silliness of the situation.

但是至少在头一年左右,这样的说话方式是值得鼓励的。But at least for the first year or so, this sort of silliness is highly recommended.

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当深深遗憾其间时,他们渴望能在生命中再次地适时大笑和犯糊涂。When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.

我非常惊讶,像杨绛这样的聪明人,怎么会去翻译这本充满了傻气和荒诞的小说?I was surprised that, smart as she is, she set out to translate a novel full of silliness and absurdities.

贪玩第一名,糊涂第一名,可爱第一名,勇于尝试第一名,心无城府第一名。Archer-----lark first love, silliness first, the first lovely, the courage to try first, a very subtle mind first.

组织方表示,这样怪异的场景是为了给这个世界增添更多的诙谐荒诞,为大家提供一些笑料。Organisers say the bizarre spectacle is to promote more silliness in the world and give people something to laugh at.

然后傻傻的看着我,不时的向我撒娇,每当这时,我的心情就会好很多了,感谢我的“猴子”!Then he'll look at me with silliness all over his face, and snogs with me. After this I feel refreshed and brighten up again. Thanks to my Monkey!

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重看了荒野生存感到很悲伤,只好又看食神在另一种白痴天真里找平衡。Watched Into the Wild again and was feeling sad so had to watch a Stephen Chow's movie to find another kind of silliness in order to balance myself.

他说,国家面临“巨大挑战“,他有比处理关于他是否在美国出生的“愚蠢”问题更重要的事情要做。He said the country faces "enormous challenges" and he has better things to do than deal with the "silliness" about whether he was born in the United States.

同时,戈尔登还在其中加入了自己风格的地下愚蠢,一些轻微的自大,还有一点点街头的粗野。At the same time, Golden throws in his own style of underground silliness here, some mild braggadocio there, and a little touch of street ruggedness on the side.

同样我理应在更年轻的时候就珍惜与妻子相处的点滴,我们一同享受阅读、散步、听音乐的时光,笑天下可笑之事。It took me longer than it should have to appreciate that my wife and I shared a love of reading, listening to music, walking together, and laughing at silliness.

1974年他匆忙的登上去西德的飞机,那时候起他将怒火转向了别的目标,他连连抨击唯物主义和浅薄无力的西方流行文化。Bundled on to a plane to West Germany in 1974, he turned his fire on other targets, thundering against materialism, shallowness and the silliness of popular Western culture.

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我们在度过这一生时,一路上都在不断丢弃各式各样的行李,但直到最后都一定不能丢掉犯傻的能力,它能防止灵魂枯竭。As we journey through life, discarding baggage along the way, we should keep an iron grip, to the very end, on the capacity for silliness. It pre-serves the soul from desiccation.

减压计划可能会包含一点愚蠢的部分,也许一周花上几天时间参加下班后的莎莎舞蹈课,要比安静冥想更有利于放松心情。Your stress-reduction plan may include a little silliness. Maybe taking a salsa dancing class after work a few days a week will help you to unwind better than would quiet meditation.

也许你会觉得那样会使得球队在获取这些势不可挡的廉价品时有所畏惧,但是一旦愚蠢的自由球员市场开启,他们就会情不自禁。You'd think this would dissuade teams from offering it in all but the most overwhelming bargains, but once the silliness of free-agent season starts, it seem they just can't help themselves.