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她沉默不语.She remains silent.

伊尔-96-300的剩余部件。Remains of Il-96-300.

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就剩最后一步了。One last step remains.

年代久远,伤疤依旧。Ages ago, scar remains.

他保持着悲观主义。He remains a pessimist.

小鸟还是像在试管里的样子。It remains tube-shaped.

她始终不快乐。And she remains unhappy.

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这案件尚未结案。The case remains unclosed.

是的,那同样正确。Cr. Yes, that also remains.

她的死亡一直是个不解之谜。Her death remains a mystery.

9减去5,余4。Take 5 from 9,and 4 remains.

我给遗体三鞠躬。I bow to the remains of three.

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它的创立者是匿名的。Its creator remains anonymous.

这个问题还是无人过问。The problem remains untouched.

直到现在,他仍在关押中。For now, he remains in custody.

夜啊在余烬里发出红光。night glows with their remains.

那么现在还需要做什么呢?So now, what remains to be done?

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妞妞目前仍处于深度昏迷状态。The girl remains in a deep coma.

只剩下少少少少的水供我回家利用了。Very little remains for my home.

而寂寞依旧常锁心魂深处。And loneliness remains deep soul.