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玛丽·迪桑是一位疗养医生。Mary Dessein is a therapist.

它甚至不需要一个治疗师。It does not even need a therapist.

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丽贝卡马西斯是一个性治疗师。Rebecca Mathis is a sex therapist.

“什么钱?”医生问。"What money?" asked the therapist.

我在哥伦比亚的长老派教会医院当医师。I am a therapist at columbia-presbyterian.

即使是最好的理疗师也不能给你这。Even the best therapist can't give you that.

我是一个针灸和推拿治疗师。I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist.

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我的医生认为,我是个不折不扣的笨蛋。My therapist believes I am certifiably nuts.

林慧娟持有加州婚姻家庭心理治疗师执照。Ruth Lin is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

语言治疗师说罗姆神经紧张了。The speech therapist said she got the heebie-jeebies.

别烦了,你所需要的只是一个“衣橱诊断师”。But fret no more, all you need is a wardrobe therapist.

她的专业是心理学,理想是成为一名家庭理疗师。She’s a psychology major and wants to be a family therapist.

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利昂娜是墨西哥移民,在做家庭理疗师的工作。She was a Mexican immigrant who worked as a family therapist.

当理疗师为我的肌肉做牵引时,它们放松了。When my physical therapist pulled on the muscles, they let go.

我在博客里写的东西都比我能告诉我的心理治疗师的要多得多。I’ve shared more in my blog than I could ever tell my therapist.

我之前有位挚友,她是个专业的临床医学家。I had a best friend for a while who was a professional therapist.

她问我为什么没有通知她就去看另一个治疗师。She asked why I had seen another therapist without informing her.

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我和迈克雇的心理咨询师并没有鼓励我们去修补。The therapist Michael and I hired did not encourage us to repair.

他最后说不出话把要给我的话都写在一张张纸上被我从上海带了过来。Have been seeing a therapist for a while now since I came back LA.

如果你的伴侣愿意,寻找一个合格的婚姻治疗师。If your partner is willing, look for a competent marital therapist.