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凯斯林.丹。Kathleen Dan.

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马克和凯萨琳会帮助他吗?Do Mark and Kathleen help him?

马克与凯萨琳正在夜市里吃挫冰。Where are Mark and Kathleen in this story?

凯萨琳和身边其他人如何帮助马克?How do Kathleen and others around him help Mark?

马克、凯萨琳与泰瑞要怎麽阻止她?What do Mark, Kathleen and Terry do to stop her?

他仍然是一个仪表堂堂的男子汉,受到凯丝琳的崇拜。He was a handsome man still, kathleen adored him.

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马克轻而易举就击败凯萨琳,溜到滑梯底端。Mark easily beat Kathleen to the bottom of the slide.

凯瑟琳将获得一些户外男子从她的猎人。Kathleen will get something outdoorsy from her hunter man.

赛跑当天,凯萨琳和马克抵达田径场跑道。On the day of the race, Kathleen and Mark arrived at the track.

不要对凯瑟琳嬷嬷和你的父母泄漏一个字。As for Sister Kathleen and your parents? Not a single word to them.

哥哥命叫艾德,凯瑟琳正是他的遗孀。Kathleen Pastorius is the widow of that brother, whose name was Ed.

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凯瑟琳·泰勒喜欢称自己是一个女性活跃分子。Kathleen Taylor likes to say she's a joiner, a woman of the people.

美国选手伊莱恩-布林登和凯瑟琳-赫西分居第七、第八名。Americans Elaine Breeden and Kathleen Hersey were seventh and eighth.

凯思琳说假设他们那样做了,那该是什么样的情形呢?Kathleen says suppose they had that, what would that scenario look like?

——克林顿总统否认对凯瑟琳·威利的性骚扰时说。President Clinton, denying that he had sexually harassed Kathleen Willey.

但才一转眼,凯萨琳已经把马克骗上水上摩托车后座。But before too long, Kathleen had cajoled him onto the back of the jet ski.

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假如凯萨琳早上太早把马克吵醒,马克通常会暴跳如雷。Mark often acts grumpily if Kathleen wakes him up too early in the morning.

而祖,从不间断地给妻子凯瑟琳写信。And ancestor, to the wife from uninterrupted ground Kathleen writes a letter.

凯萨琳跑去拿了一些园艺大剪刀来,她会剪断那些花吗?Kathleen runs and grabs some garden shears . Does she try to cut the flowers?