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我强烈要求你们去那里自习I would urge you to use that.

让我充满了要澄清一切的欲望!Fills me with the urge to defecate!

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他挥挥手,似乎在鼓励咱们前进。He waved his hor as ift urge us on.

然后我开始感觉这种念头一直在萌生。Then I just started to feel this urge.

我有一种难以自持的冲动想吻她。I had an overwhelming urge to kiss her.

牙买加人有在国外发展的迫切愿望。Jamaicans have that urge to grow abroad.

是尿意把你唤醒的吗?Is it the urge to urinate that wakes you?

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我感到一种强烈的冲动想说出事实。I felt a desperate urge to tell the truth.

我感到遗憾,并敦促他们重新考虑。I regret that and urge them to reconsider.

她没有足够的动力去完成她的目标。She has no enough urge to reach her targe.

他突然有一种浏览里面的邮件的冲动。He suddenly had an urge to scope some mail.

老兵们劝我别去找。The old soldiers urge me not to go looking.

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一会儿之后,我感觉到很大的推压力。Shortly after that, I felt the urge to push.

我们谨敦促众位支持保罗/格雷森的代替方案。We urge you to support Paul-Grayson instead.

他抑制住自己想要抚摩她的强烈冲动。He forced back the strong urge to stroke her.

我建议如你们感兴趣可以读一读。I urge you to look at it if you're interested.

希望您尽快直接联系我们,共同商量解决办法。We urge you to contact us directly to discuss.

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三杯两盏,怎敌晚它来风急。Can two or three cups match the urge late wind?

我敦促你将你的人生功课列成清单。I urge you to make a list of your life lessons.

向受术者灌输对死亡的渴望。Fatal Attraction. Implants death urge in subject.