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李华是一位文史兼通的大家。In short, Li Hua is both a litterateur and a historian.

张鷟是一位颇有国际影响的唐代文学家。Zhang Zhuo is an international influence litterateur of Tang dynasty.

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李渔是清初杰出的文人设计家。Yu Li, a famous litterateur of Qing dynasty, was also an outstanding designer.

张大使表示,泰戈尔是中国人民熟知并在中国很有影响的印度文学家。He indicated that Tagore is a well known and influential Indian litterateur in China.

廖燕是清初一位非常特殊的思想家和文学家。Liao Yan was a very special ideologist and litterateur at the beginning of Qingdynasty.

全祖望是清代著名的史学家、文学家和思想家。Quan Zuwang was the famous historian, litterateur and thinker lived in the Qing Dynasty.

每一位有个性的文学家,都会以自己的主体方式,接受时代文化的影响,形成对人的独到理解。Litterateur with a character is subject to the influence of the times, each in a distinctive manner.

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苏轼是我国北宋时期著名的文学家,他的诗、词、文都取得了卓越的成就。Sushi is a famous litterateur of Bei-Song dynasty whose poems and articles were well-known in the world.

汪藻是北宋末、南宋初著名文学家,他与江西诗派成员交游颇多。Wang Zao was a famous litterateur in the ending of Bei Song Dynasty and at the beginning of Nan Song Dynasty.

思想家、哲学家、文学家,先秦庄子学派的创始人。A ideologist, philosopher and litterateur in the Spring and Autumn Period, the founder of pre-Qin Zhuang School.

读文学书,写学生腔文章,梦想着成为文学家的样子。Wanted to practice handwriting but failed, then read literatures and wrote articles, dreaming to be a litterateur.

文学的音乐美,要么源自独特的语言形式,要么源自文学家的间接描述。The music of literature production is made from especial form of tongue, or from the mediate description of litterateur.

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是金代后期的著名文学家,继党怀英之后与杨云翼同为文坛领袖。He is the well-known litterateur in the late of Jin Danasty. He and Yang Yunyi became the leaders of the literary world, after Dang Huaiying.

释真观是由陈人隋的高僧,也是当时著名的佛教艺术家、文学家。Shi Zhenguan is a hierarch as well as an artist of Buddhism and a litterateur living in the transitional period from Chen Dynasty to Sui Dynasty.

美国早期文学家爱伦•坡因其在小说、诗歌及创作文论上取得的成就而独树一帜,在文学批评界影响深远。American litterateur Allan Poe got favored in literati for his unique and significant achievements in short stories, poetry and literary criticism.

典型的明清私家园林,为明末东南文宗钱谦益的私家别业。A typical private garden of Ming & Qing Dynasties. The private villa belonged to Qian Qianyi, a litterateur of late Ming Dynasty in southeast China.

作为中唐“古文运动”的一位不甚引人注意的人物,实际上,刘禹锡除了卓有成绩的古文创作之外,他在文学思想方面也有着自己的见解。As one of the unnoticed litterateur of "the ancient prose movement", Liu Yuxi also has his own opinion on ancient Chinese article theory as well as his outstanding achievement of composition.