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那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。The man has sinewy muscles.

钦佩她那强劲有力的散文风格。I admire her sinewy prose style.

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上帝做出父亲的双手,把它们做的大而有力。And when God made a father' hands, they were large and sinewy.

道格拉斯,今年53岁。他是一个面带微笑、步伐矫健而自信的人。Fields, 53, is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait.

概念艺术家约翰·豪的胳膊是咕噜强壮有力的胳膊的原型。Conceptual artist John Howe was the model for Gollum's sinewy arms.

他粗糙的双手,被太阳哂得发黑的健壮四肢,均表明他十分辛勤,非常耐劳。His harsh hands and sinewy sunburnt limbs show labor and endurance.

贝拉站在那里,肌腱分明的右手握着一部人类的大书。Bela stood there, with a large Terran book in her sinewy right hand.

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我看你迈开步伐看你威武之翼,身披盔甲,背起。Saw I your gait and saw I your sinewy limbs, clothed in blue, bearing.

他的手细长有力,使我想到两头灵巧的野兽。They were slender but sinewy hands, which made me think of two nimble little animals.

在这些照片中,比较自然的光线让她的胳膊看起来没那么健壮。But in these shots, the good lighting ensures her arms appear less sinewy than usual.

高挑和瘦长,娇小跟丰满,结实的,有曲线的,柔软或肌肉发达的-我们都喜爱。Tall and gangly, small and busty , muscular, curvy, soft or sinewy — we celebrate it all.

他如波浪的长发垂披在宽阔的肩膀上,走起路来仿佛是幼狮般坚强。His long waving hair fell down on his broad shoulders, and he had the sinewy walk of a young lion.

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我拿着脸盆回来时,大夫已经把船长的衣袖撸了上去,露出了他那肌肉发达的粗胳膊。When I got back with the basin, the doctor had already ripped up the captain's sleeve, and exposed his great sinewy arm.

“国王的演讲”是好莱坞大片的反义词,没有激情戏,没有汽车特技,没有八块肌肉的超级英雄,连片名都起得不像票房冠军,从头到尾都是一个口吃的国王。A movie about a stuttering monarch, without sex, car chases or sinewy super heroes, hardly sounds like blockbuster box-office fare.

尖锐的交角和有力的弧线在图面上交错,乍看之下好像是出于某些不明的原因,其实这都是和西扎设计的过程有密切的联系。Sharp corners and sinewy curves are interwoven for an apparently mysterious reason, something that has to do with the very history of the design.

两个身影跃下来,还欲与其战斗,岂料那采柔身子一抽搐便口吐白沫起来。Two figures bound down and return lust and its combat, anticipate that to adopt soft body a have sinewy spasms then to vomit white the Mo get up.

与服装遥相呼应的是史钟颖作品,其作品引用贾科梅蒂健硕的外型,创造出形态各异的人物姿势。In dialogue with the dresses, Shi Zhongying's works draw references from Giacometti's sinewy forms to create cocoon-like figures in various poses.

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他的成长道路十分艰难,在他身上,并没有什么特殊的气质,有的只是生活在山那边的人们所共有的那种坚忍不拔的毅力和强劲有力的肌肉。He had come up the hard way and embodied nothing in particular except the eternal toughness and sinewy fiber of the men who grew up beyond the mountains.

它肌肉发达的身体看上去很像猫科动物,强壮的四肢顶端长着巨大的爪子,爪子上有鳍,使这种生物能在深海中移动。Its heavily muscled body is almost feline in appearance, with sinewy limbs terminating in massively finned claws that propel the creature through the depths.

当我在金士顿山脊下的幽径边摘黑莓的时候,她们也和我一起摘,她们那黧黑的健壮手臂不怎么注意被路边的植物划了些痕迹,她们笑的时候可以看出嘴巴被黑莓汁染紫色了。When I pick blackberries on the path under Kingston Ridge they pick with me, their tanned, sinewy arms oblivious to scratches, their laughing mouths purple with juice.