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那个计划不可行。The plan proves infeasible.

给出了在不可达路径影响下的数据流测试方法。A method of data-flow test based on infeasible path is proposed.

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然而,有的不可行解中往往蕴含着有价值的信息。However, some infeasible solutions maybe have more useful information.

像你研究的那些史迹、那些脚印是不行的。It is infeasible for you to study the traces of history and the footprints.

自从你提出那个不现实的方案,我们班的计划就泡汤了。Our class project has gone to the dogs since you made that infeasible proposal.

像你研究的那些史迹、那些脚印是不行的。We are going to get to the point where it becomes infeasible to carry out these studies.

那个对幻想很着迷而且爱挑毛病的研究员,设计了一个重大但是却不可行的计划。The fault-finding research fellow fascinated by fantasy devised a fatal but infeasible plan.

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能够稳定NGDP增长的货币政策可能在政治上行不通。A monetary policy expansionary enough to stabilize NGDP growth may be politically infeasible.

要重视听力课程,没有与时俱进的听力课本是不行的。Attention should be given to hearing courses, with the hearing without textbooks is infeasible.

本文提出了一种基于区间算术理论的路径可执行性检测方法。This paper proposes an approach based on interval computation to identify the infeasible paths.

显然,这种阵列不可能应用于总重量不能超过20公吨的太空船上。Clearly, such an array is infeasible for a spacecraft that must weigh less than 20 tons in total.

碳纤维具有疏水性和表面惰性,很难直接镀铜。It is infeasible to directly deposit copper coating on carbon fiber of hydrophobic nature and inertia.

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提出了一种利用数据流分析信息检测不可达路径的方法。A manner of applying information of dataflow to detection of infeasible paths is discussed in this paper.

这项研究暗示着单独依靠比较基因组学的数据来重建系统发育是不可行的。This study implies that it is infeasible to reconstruct phylogeny solely by the comparative genomic data.

至少有两点需要说明的是,无论从数学上还是逻辑上这样的计划都是不可行的。There are at least two considerations which make such a scheme both mathematically and logically infeasible.

为群体中的可行解和不可行解分别定义不同的适应度函数。Deferent fitness function was built for the feasible and infeasible individual in the population, respectively.

我们已经见到太多的设计直接假设标识为已知,而实际技术却使得这变得不可行。We've seen far too many designs that simply assume the identity is known when practical technologies make this infeasible.

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从原则上讲最高效,但从政治上讲最不可行的反肥胖症税种,应当是根据体重来收的人头税。A more efficient anti-obesity tax, in principle, but utterly infeasible politically, would be a head tax measured by weight.

对于结构测试中的不可达路径问题,仅仅使用传统的不可达路径排除方法存在很大的限制性,应用效果一般。Traditional techniques of infeasible path elimination have been proved to be of limited effect on in-feasible path problems.

众所周知,在海上为解决交通问题,单纯靠增加航道来解决,不但不可行,而且耗资巨大。It is well-known that to solve the problem by simply increasing sea-route is not only infeasible but will cost a large sum of money.