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他退出了高中,但获得了等值的文凭。He dropped out of high school but obtained an equivalency diploma.

首先,得到了若干关于缺省理论等价的性质。First, some properties of equivalency of default theories are proposed.

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本文提出了一种用等斜率圆弧逼近复杂曲线的加工方法。The method of equivalency slope circularity approaching was presented for this.

是否有其他应用程序能够提供相似的功能?Is there an alternative application available that provides a functional equivalency?

申请书中要包括一份对你已经完成课程的详细描叙,以及为什么应该给予对等学分的原因。Include a thorough explanation of the class you have completed and why it should be counted as an equivalency.

在这篇文章中我们讨论了一个半序集的内禀拓扑之间的关系及其等价性。This paper discusses the relations and equivalency between the intrinsic topologies in a partially ordered set.

有净化,波涛汹涌,先祖觉醒,和次级治疗波铭文的条件下9级治疗波的法强公式。Spell power equivalency for rank 9 LHW with Tidal waves, Purification, Ancestral Awakening, and LHW Glyph bonus.

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研究还发现,许多学生都试图寻找相等的东西作为判断的根据。The study also finds that many students tried to look for the equivalency as the criterion of determining classes.

与此相关的另一主题是,在联邦体制可行的条件下,确保所有选票分量相等。A related theme is ensuring the full equivalency of each vote, insofar as that is possible within a federal system.

要让美国领导人承认中美之间有着一丝的文化相似等同之处看起来是极其困难的事情。It seems profoundly difficult for American leaders to acknowledge some sort of cultural equivalency with the Chinese.

水的数量是由水与卡尔试剂的等价因子和终点判断的方法决定的。The amount of water depends on the water equivalency factor of the Reagent and on the method of endpoint determination.

本文主要讨论不同尺度下地理目标之间拓扑关系的等价性问题。Issue on equivalency of topological relations between geographical objects in different scales is discussed in this paper.

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还要通过你的密码文件,删除任何用户,你认为不应该存在,尤其是那些根相等。Also go through your password file and remove any users that you think shouldn't be there, especially those with root equivalency.

目的评价一组经过等价性验证的汉语普通话单音节表在听力损失患者中的复测信度。Objective To evaluate Test-retest reliability of Mandarin monosyllable lists with equivalency in audibility in hearing loss group.

对机械顶击式振筛机和电动式振筛机用作玻璃原料筛分析的等效性进行了研究。This paper investigates on the granulometry equivalency of mechanical top-knocking style and electric vibrating style oscillating screen.

该文以数学方法论证了一类网络成本分配函数的性质,证明了成本分配函数具有规范形式的充要条件是它满足无记名性,可加性和等价性。We proved that a cost allocation function can be expressed by normal form if and only if it has anonymity, additionality and equivalency.

移民部将继续接受雅思测试成绩。现行的测试安排以及多少的雅思分数对应什么课程的规定不变。The department will continue to accept a test result from IELTS. Current testing arrangements and equivalency scores for IELTS will not change.

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提出了一种新的弱时间互模拟关系,对模型的现有等价性判别条件进行了松弛。A new weak-timed mutual-simulation relationship was also presented to relax the model equivalency conditions in existing mutual-simulation relationships.

论证了伯克利加利福尼亚大学的地壳模型与美国地质调查局的地壳模型对于求断层面解的等效性。Equivalency to extract FPS of the crustal velocity model of Seismographic Station of University of California, Berkeley, and that of USGS was demonstrated.

如果你在上个学校有学分的话,确保将副本发给你现在的网上大学,然后让导师帮忙转到相同的课程中。If you have credit from previous schools, make sure to have transcripts sent to your online university and have the counselors check for course equivalency.