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请调节一下电视机的音量。Please modulate the sound on the TV.

现在我要转调,变成另一个调Now I'm going to modulate go to a different key.

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这时演奏者必须由E调转到G调。At this point the players have to modulate from E to G.

已知PDE5酶能调节血小板活性。The enzyme PDE5 is known to modulate platelet activity.

我把油门调整到适当的位置以便不会使自己飞的太快。I modulate the throttles as needed to make sure I'm not too fast.

说明夏塔热片合用其软膏能调节机体免疫功能。It is indicated that XT & O can modulate the immune function in mice.

提供了调节大麻素受体的杂环化合物。Heterocyclic compounds which modulate cannabinoid receptors are presented.

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这位演说者有副相当好的嗓子,他能很技巧地调整它。The speaker had a really noble voice, which he could modulate with great skill.

激活后的乙酰胆碱受体参与淋巴细胞的免疫调节。Stimulation of acetylcholine receptor with agonists can modulate immunity ability.

P2Y受体可从外周和脊髓等水平对伤害性感受进行调制。P2Y receptors may modulate the nociception processes at peripheral and spinal cord levels.

介绍了SLT型罐道绳在线检测自动调整装置及其工作原理。Expatiates SLT cage path rope online detect automatism modulate device and working elements.

OQPSK实际上是对IJF信号再进行正交四相相移键控的调制技术。IJF-OQPSK is actually to modulate the IJF codes by the Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying.

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中国中央政府及各地方政府试图对房地产市场加以调控,但他们的处境形如走钢丝。As they try to modulate the market, local and central governments here are walking a thin line.

输送机的速度可配置成定速或可调速的控制方式。Conveyer's speed may dispose the control mode which the constant speed or may modulate velocity.

音乐学生学习给一个现有的调子配上其他各部,还要学习怎样转成和声调。Music students learn how to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.

驱动系统控制或必须调整相当数量减速的强制在翻修期间吗?Does the drive system have to control or modulate the amount of retarding force during overhauling?

肌肽在体外可使大鼠白内障品状体蛋白发生变化,对白内障晶状体病变程度作用不明显。L-camosine could modulate the rat lens protein in vitro, but could not affect lens cataract scores.

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我的假想是化疗能用调整和使新的免疫治疗药物成为可能。My hypothesis is that chemotherapy may be used to modulate and potentiate newer immunotherapy drugs.

有些人能根据房间大小调节自己讲话的声音。Some people are able to modulate their voices according to the size of the room in which they speak.

在渣浆流量调节中应用了先进的二自由度PID控制算法。The advanced two-degree of freedom PID control algorithm is applied to modulate of slag slurry flow.