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从界嵴至右心耳,P细胞有逐渐增多的倾向。The numbers of P cell had a tendency of increasing from crista terminalis to aurical.

但是,我们三人中,克莉丝汀的态度最为明确,她说出了我们的心里话。But of the three of us, Crista was the most adamant , giving language to our feelings.

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当他贴着我,将头靠着我肩膀,我看到兰迪和克莉丝汀在注视着我。As he settled into me, resting his head on my shoulder, I looked up to see Randy and Crista watching me.

来之前克莉丝汀曾为他整理了些衣物,我把它打开,找到她为弟弟准备的新衣服。Crista had packed his suitcase, and I opened it to find her brother's new clothes organized into outfits.

外半规管至二腹肌嵴前端是面神经乳突段的标志线。The line between lateral semicircular canals and crista of digastric muscle is the mark of mastoid segment.

目的确定胫骨内侧嵴的角度,设计一种角度适合于胫骨内侧固定的钢板。Objective To confirm the angle of tibia inner crista and design a plate fit for fixation of the inner tibia.

我们于午夜安全抵达塔尔萨。兰迪和克莉丝汀已在机场等待着我们。We made it safely, arriving in Tulsa at midnight. Randy and Crista were there at the airport, waiting for us.

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图5凋亡淋巴细胞内结构异常的线粒体,主要表现为肿胀,嵴紊乱,嵴减少,消失。Fig. 5 The mitochondria with the abnormal appearance such as swell, disorganization and reduction or vanish of the crista.

半规管的壶腹嵴由一排感觉毛细胞和2~3排支持细胞构成。The crista awpullaris of the semicircular canal consisted of a layer of sensory hair cells and 2-3 layers of supporting cells.

椭圆囊、壶腹嵴的发生较早,随后才形成球囊,到出生时前庭感觉器官已基本发育成熟。The utricle and crista ampullaris develop earlier than the saccule. The vestibular sensory organ become fully mature at birth.

基于对华南云实的研究,对传统的传粉生物学实验方法提出一些质疑。This paper also bring forward some queries on the traditional methods of the pollination biology based on the studies of C. crista Linn.

电镜下可见后极部感光细胞线粒体肿胀明显、嵴断裂、数量减少。The edema of mitochondria of photoreceptor cells was seen and followed the rupture of crista and the reduction of quantity by means of the electron microscope.

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十字隆凸通常位于上、后半规管壶腹嵴的中部,与壶腹嵴的长轴垂直。Usually being located at the middle of the cristae of vertical semicircular canals, the eminentia cruciata protrudes perpendicularly to the long axis of the crista.

到胚胎第15天,椭圆囊、球囊、壶腹峪初具成熟形态,毛细胞和支持细胞也初具雏形,到出生时,前庭器官已基本发育成熟。The shapes of utricle, saccule and crista ampullaris tended to mature at E15, and the shapes of supporting and hair cells also tended to mature. The vestibular organ was mature at P0.

病毒侵害的主要靶器官为尿囊膜与肝,细胞器的变化主要表现为粗面内质网扩张以及线粒体肿胀和嵴断裂、消失。The target organ where virus located were chorioallantoic membrane and liver. The organelle changes included dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria swelling and crista fragmentation.