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我们要开创社会新风尚。We should initiate a new social custom.

从这个节点启动检查和同步。Initiate verify and sync from this node.

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开始时脚分开同肩宽。Initiate with feet shoulder width apart.

在行社交亲吻礼时,总是等待女人去开始。waits for a woman to initiate a social kiss.

每一个化身都有一个不同的源头。Each initiate emanates from a different Source.

这学期我们将开始实行一个新的教学计划。This term we will initiate a new teaching plan.

我们对利丰给予卖出的首次评级。We initiate coverage on L&F with a SELL rating.

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有守业能耐,并能独立地从业。The ability to initiate or operate independently.

女性也比男性更常先进行碰触。Women also initiate touch more often than men do.

您可以在流程开始时初始化该变量。You initiate this variable at the process start-up.

这次伟大的表演拉开1999年音乐季的序幕!A magnificent way to initiate the 1999 concert season.

只有被害人或他的家族可以启动一个庭审程序。Onlya victim or his family can initiate a court action.

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他们可以使用该游戏图腾启动新的游戏。They can then use the game totem to initiate a new game.

在主视图中可以发起以下各种操作From the main view you can initiate the following actions

人是构成社会有机体的能动主体。Human is a initiate subject constituting social organism.

债权人决定提起破产之诉。The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding.

重视,看成预言者长久不要挑起战斗。Note that as Fiddlesticks you should NEVER initiate combat.

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倡导「珍爱生命-守护生命」社区生命教育。Initiate"Cherish Life-Guard Life"education in our community.

采取行动以便迅速处理危急情况。Initiate action to improve a hazardous situation immediately.

下压你的胸部来启动波动动作。By pressing your chest down you initiate the wave-like motion.