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不要被形式上的日期年代所拘泥、所欺骗。Do not be deceived by the pedantry of dates.

“炫学者”,不合季节卖弄学问的人。Pedantry is the unseasonable ostentation of learning.

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这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry.

他具有智慧的一切光辉,却没有丝毫学究的迂腐气息。He had all the illumination of wisdom and none of its pedantry.

你无法将人类关于学习的经验限制在机械化的论调里。You cannot encapsulate the human experience of learning in some mechanistic pedantry.

传统华族文化并不提倡“食古不化”、“墨守成规”。Chinese culture and traditions do not advocate pedantry or preserving the sacred cows.

愚蠢者将哲学曲解成愚昧,将科学领会成迷信,将艺术转变成迂腐。A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry.

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代沟,保守,怀旧,迂腐顽固,基本都源于此。Generation gap, conservation, reminiscence, pedantry and stubbornness all basically derive from that.

这一点显而易见被遗忘,由于卖弄博学的侵犯,自从二次大战以来,一直沉重地压在法国文学里。This is obviously forgotten owing to the invasion of pedantry that has weighed on French letters since W. W. II.

假如无太多影响,在你的表达中使用一些深奥的词语对于其他人的卖弄学问可是一种很好的防卫。If nothing else, having a few recondite words at your disposal can be a great defense against the pedantry of others.

对于这些基本盘的迂腐不化,中共方面暂时也拿不出更好的办法,还得要台湾的国民党来对付。For these basic people, pedantry is not of, the PRC have not a better way to do, have to be Taiwan's KMT to deal with.

出于卖弄的习惯,这两个条纹中的RGB颜色分别是0,255,150,是混杂了一点纯蓝的绿色。For pedantry sake, the RGB colors in both spirals are 0, 255, 150. So they are mostly green with a solid splash of blue.

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愚蠢者将哲学曲解成愚昧,将科学领会成迷信,将艺术转变成迂腐。大学教育也同样如此。A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.

当然,一方面不能沿袭古代迂腐的封建礼教和不合时宜的价值观念。Of course, on one hand cannot the feudal the Confucian or feudal ethical code with follow pedantry ancient time and malapropos value sense.

更甚之,研究这些巨著或,过往的伟大思想家,更可能轻易地降格为古物癖,或是卖弄学问。Furthermore it would seem that the study of the great books or great thinkers of the past can easily degenerate into a kind of antiquarianism into a sort of pedantry.

更甚之,研究这些巨著或过往的伟大思想家,更可能轻易地降格为古物癖或是卖弄学问。Furthermore, it would seem that the study of the great books or the great thinkers of the past can easily degenerate into a kind of antiquarianism into a sort of pedantry.

凯特也向大家证明了她的“王妃潜质”,可据一专家所称,凯特其实更适合当老师而非王妃,因为凯特的笔迹证明了她十分学究、有智慧、以及十分有效率。A leading graphologist's study of the Duchess' handwriting has shown that her pedantry for time keeping, intelligence and efficiency would make her the perfect school teacher.

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凯特也向大家证明了她的“王妃潜质”,可据一专家所称,凯特其实更适合当老师而非王妃,因为凯特的笔迹证明了她十分学究、有智慧、以及十分有效率。A leading graphologist"s study of the Duchess" handwriting has shown that her pedantry for time keeping, intelligence and efficiency would make her the perfect school teacher.

与此同时,人文主义者也认为研究那些有原创性的经典作家可以立即消除中世纪的那种呆滞的假学问和迷信。So, too, in 5 their time had the humanists thought that the study of the classical authors in the original would banish at once the dull pedantry and superstition of mediaeval scholasticism.