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该进程为可恢复的数据库管理日志文件。Manages log files for a recoverable database.

业务流程是自动的且是可恢复的。Business processes are automatic and recoverable.

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最重要的是,备份是可恢复的吗?Most importantly, will the backup be recoverable?

废旧塑料是一种可以回收利用的资源。Waste plastics is a kind of recoverable resources.

天然气数据为剩余技术可采储量。Data of natural gas are surplus recoverable reserves.

该机制并没有被设计成可持久化或是可恢复的。The mechanism is not designed to be persistent or recoverable.

请求必须提交给另一个端点。Recoverable errors -- The request must be submitted to another endpoint.

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包含可回收原料药的母液通常可以再次使用。Mother liquors containing recoverable amounts of BPCs are frequently re-used.

该资产组可收回金额的确定方法。?。The method for the determination of the recoverable amount of the asset group.

在典型的迁移过程中,您可能会遇到可恢复错误。During the course of a typical migration, you may encounter recoverable errors.

法院可基于两点来评估当事人应获得的诉讼费数额。There are two bases upon which the court may assess the amount of costs recoverable.

简单地,可恢复的动作是修改被保护数据的任何事情。For our simple purposes, a recoverable action is anything that modifies protected data.

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所有不能从固定费用中收回的成本应用你方以现货加以补偿。All the costs not recoverable under the fixed fee shall be reimbursed by you at actuals.

资源管理器负责管理可恢复数据,例如文件或队列。A resource manager is responsible for managing recoverable data, such as files or queues.

适用于轮胎、防撞杆、胶边等,使用后可恢复轮胎乌黑的光泽,还原如新。Apply to tires, bumper, plastic rims, tires recoverable after use black luster, restore as new.

可恢复流程记录其操作,这样在发生故障时可以恢复到较早的状态。Recoverable processes log their actions and thus can restore earlier states if a failure occurs.

我喜欢骑车旅行这主意,既喜欢整个过程也喜欢这个主意本身,因为它有着忽而消失忽而又重现的回忆。I love the idea that the bike trip, in and of itself, has its own vanished but recoverable memories.

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可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

该方法简单实用,可以作为标定油气藏可采储量的一种有效方法。This simple method can be used as an effective method to calibrate recoverable reserves of reservoir.

共组合25条辉绿岩墙,其中20条分布在煤层可采范围内。Combined 25 Fai green rock walls altogether , there are 20 in the coal seam recoverable range among them.