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她自创自唱她的歌,并弹奏一手非常棒的钢琴。She writes, sings her own songs and also plays piano fantastically.

车队领导或者技术总管,他都能出色完成。Team principal or technical director, he can do fantastically well.

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而且软件所有的这正在去奇妙的廉宜。And the software that does all this is going to be fantastically inexpensive.

但是富士康非常成功的企业模式似乎都是顺其自然的。But its fantastically successful business model seems to have run its course.

巫师大斗法是一款充满诙谐和极大乐趣的卡牌游戏,特别适合一家人弈玩。Elixir is a humorous and fantastically fun card game great for the whole family.

这就使得小企业的融资十分灵活却成本高昂。The result is a fantastically supple system of financing, but a very costly one.

液态玻璃的试验在极为广泛的应用领域获得了成功。Successful tests on liquid glass have been made on a fantastically wide range of uses.

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本质上,GEO600这种引力波探测器是一种具有难以置信的灵敏度的标尺。Gravitational wave detectors like GEO600 are essentially fantastically sensitive rulers.

Carter是费城76人那个相当糟糕的1972-73赛季的对内得分王。In 1972-73, Carter was the leading scorer for the fantastically awful Philadelphia 76ers.

除此以外,马来西亚的道路非常平整,一路上是茂密丛林的景色。Beyond this, the Malaysian roads are fantastically smooth and the scenery is jungle heaven.

而在这寂静的深夜里,我也想起了好多好多的东西。Everything was fantastically quiet. In the quiet mid-night, I thought of an array of things.

这些“超级战士”会强大得难以置信,他们有超群的智力、诡诈和直觉。They would be fantastically strong and possess superior intelligence, cunning and intuition.

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只要给予时间,人们将会适应环境,无论是难以置信旳积极面或消极面。Given time, people will acclimate to circumstances, whether fantastically positive or negative.

西奥多拉·范朗克尔的服装和费的美丽发型使这部电影有了极佳的观赏性。Theodore Van Runkles' costumes and Faye's wonderful hair made this film fantastically watchable.

它是一种有魔术般吸引力的饮料,但它许多重要方面是口味和环境。It is a fantastically crafted drink, but the most important aspect of it is taste and environment.

溜掉无辜天这个亲密乐趣收集灵感与怀旧主题。Slip away to innocent days with this fantastically fun collection of jigsaws with a nostalgic theme.

爱国而又热情的评论家还有许多弹性的塑料品在家中,充满了想象。The patriotic and enthusiastic essayist has a lot of elastic plastics domestically and fantastically , too.

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奥雷里奥过去四五场比赛的表现也相当抢眼,里埃拉周日的进球漂亮至极。Aurelio has been absolutely brilliant in the last four or five games and Riera played fantastically well on Sunday.

威廉.陶布曼以此为标准,尽管曾作过非常细致的研究,但在作品中,他仍对赫鲁晓夫作了充满嘲讽的刻画。William Taubman set the standard with his fantastically well-researched yet bracingly sarcastic portrait of Khrushchev.

然而,这种“当代”的东西,也是众说纷纭、杂乱无章的,但新的想法也正是从这种混乱中产生的。However, this contemporary state of things is also fantastically messy, and it's from this messiness that new ideas emerge.