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又有一位记者想要我现在的住址。A newspaperman wants my present address.

这是我作为一名报人感到骄傲的时刻。It was one time I was proud to be a newspaperman.

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乔向大家叙说她拜访报社一事。Jo told the others about her visit to the newspaperman.

霍勒斯·格里利首先是一位颇有建树的办报人。Horace Greeley was first of all a successful newspaperman.

我想我要念新闻专业,当记者——当新闻工作者。I think I want to study journalism to be a reporter -- a newspaperman.

新闻记者是个绝对不会说广告无效的人。Newspaperman was the last person to tell the advertisement is noneffective.

但是,议员先生,这点我得说,我从未见过我不喜欢的喝得酩酊大醉的议员。But I'll say this, Congressman, I never saw a drunk newspaperman I didn't like.

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梁启超既是著名的社会政治活动家,又是杰出的一代报人。Liang Qichao is not only a famous social activist, but also a prominent newspaperman.

遇到要钱的职业版主,最该做的就是直接走开。When the professional Newspaperman ask for money, better just give them the kiss-off.

你根本不应该嫁给一个新闻记者,他们比水手还遭。我绝对在乎你。You never should have married a newspaperman . They are worse than sailors. I absolutely adore you.

那人说他会看看,并在下周回覆她是否将在报上刊登。The newspaperman said he would read them and tell her next week if they would come out in the newspaper.

律师、牧师、医生、政客、新闻记者—这些人是把手放在世界的脉搏上的江湖郎中。Lawyer, priest, doctor, politician, newspaperman – these are the quacks who have their fingers on the pulse of the world.

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道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的前身是道琼斯股票平均价格指数,是由道琼斯公司创始人之一查尔斯•道创造的。The Dow Jones Averages, a precursor to the DJIA, was created by Dow, a newspaperman from Providence, Rhode Island and son of a Connecticut farmer.

马克?吐温作记者幽默家的时间虽然不长,但是他有记者的观点,又比大部分记者富有才华。Though he spent only part of his life as a newspaper humorist, Mark Twain had the newspaperman 's outlook, coupled with immensely more talent than most.

“之所以插入这些额外的话是为了有益于可能读到这些的年轻的新闻业人士,”他在打印稿中得出结论说不会干完42年。“This interpolation is inserted for the benefit of any young newspaperman who may read it, ” he concluded in the typescript he would not complete for 42 years.