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如果我没有睡过头的话。If I don't oversleep.

千万不要再睡过头啦!Never oversleep again!

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我希望我不要睡过了。I hope I don't oversleep.

我希望我不要睡过了。I don't want to oversleep.

我从来不睡过头的。I never used to oversleep.

你睡过头了,没赶上公共汽车?Did you oversleep miss your bus?

也许我会睡过头醒来后发现羊群早已失散。I’d oversleep and lose my flock.

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我兄弟过去很少睡过头的,是吗?。My brother rarely used to oversleep , did he ?

如果你上闹钟,你就不会睡过头了。Set your alarm clock, and you won't oversleep.

关键的有点是不要睡过头或去按闹钟上的“贪睡”功能键。A key is not to oversleep or use the snooze button.

如果你想你的梦想成真,就不要睡过头。If you want your dreams come ture, don't oversleep.

如果你不设闹钟,就会睡过头。If you don't set your alarm clock, you'll oversleep.

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假如他早上很累的话,他可能会睡过头。If he's very tired in the morning, he might oversleep.

如果你希望梦想成真,就不要睡过头。If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep.

本日早上又睡过甚了,上班差点迟到。I oversleep again this morning and was almost late for work.

为了防止睡过头,我会用一个30分钟的倒计时器。I’ll use a countdown timer alarm set for 30 minutes, so I won’t oversleep.

我每晚都熬夜念书,所以隔天早上总是睡过了头。I stay up late studying every night so I always oversleep the next morning.

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我的孤岛深度沦陷,使我不能放松,甚至不能睡过头。All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep.

他喜欢看电影并看到很晚,这样使他经常睡过头。He enjoys watching movies and staying up late, which usually causes him to oversleep.

一个钟小故障阻止在新年日的警告,使狂欢者睡过头。A clock glitch prevented alarms from sounding on New Year's Day, causing slumbering revelers to oversleep.