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它是个现代化的大城市。It's a big modern sity.

现代生活节奏快。Modern life moves fast.

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她喜欢现代音乐。She loves modern music.

海门市是一个现代化的城市。Haimen is a modern city.

你喜欢现代舞吗?Do you like modern dance?

福鼎是一个现代的城市。Fuding gis a modern city.

它不过是一艘现代的货船。It is a modern freighter.

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她穿着一件时髦的礼服。She wears a modern dress.

这时一部现代经典。This is a modern classic.

这是一家现代化的首饰店。It was a modern jeweller's.

摩登家庭非常搞笑。Modern Family is hilarious.

现代汝窑珍品。Modern your kiln treasures.

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难道现代医学不伟大?Ain't modern medicine grand?

它现代的解说词是什么?It is a modern commentaries?

现代社会是抵制爱的。Modern society is anti-love.

但纳米管是很现代的。But the nanotubes are modern.

高格调现代生活观。High taste, modern life view.

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这是一台现代的鼻窦手术。This is modern sinus surgery.

这是现代的标准间。This is modern standard room.

他也送来了一辆摩登的汽车。And he also sent a modern car.