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他成了村中的话柄。She became the byword of the village.

不过要注意,“新兴”并不只是“增长”的代名词。Beware though, 'emerging' isn't just a byword for growth.

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水力发电站长期以来被视为清洁能源。Hydropower plants have long been a byword for clean energy.

闭关锁国,停滞不前成了这个文明古国的代名词。The ancient civilization became a byword for isolation and stagnation.

海尔赛有句名言,他不信任不喝酒不抽烟的人。It was a Halsey byword that he wouldn't trust a man who didn't drink or smoke.

你使我们在列邦中作了笑谈,使众民向我们摇头。Thou makest us a byword among the heathen, a shaking of the head among the people.

我成了人民取笑的资料,人人在我脸上可吐唾沬。He hath made me as it were a byword of the people, and I am an example before them.

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这个产业已经成为谎言、秘密以及浪费纳税人钱财的代名词。The industry became a byword for mendacity, secrecy and profligacy with taxpayers' money.

这个由纳粹创办的,非同寻常的犹太人避难所,又叫作特莱西恩巴德,在欧洲颇有名气。This anomalous Nazi-Sponsored haven for Jews, also called Theresienbad, is almost a byword in Europe.

“伍德斯托克”这个特别的词,现在已经成为了那个被“性解放”、大麻、迷幻药和反战游行所充斥的时代的代名词。The very word, Woodstock, is now a byword for the era of " free love ", pot, acid and anti-war protest.

现在,这个“平坦地球协会”俨然是无视科学、固步自封的代名词了。The Flat Earth Society has become a byword for sticking your head in the sand, whatever the scientific facts.

1970年,唐·麦卡林——勇气和杰出摄影的化身,在柬埔寨遭受了严重的腿部创伤。Don McCullin, a byword for courage as well as awesome photography, suffered a bad thigh wound in Cambodia in 1970.

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有许多中国古代的典故都在语言的发展历程中产生了巨大的影响,并被沿用至今,“饕餮”就是其中之一,我们现在把它作为贪吃的代名词。Still used as a byword for gluttony, the Tao Tie is one of many ancient Chinese concepts embedded in the language.

在乔布斯的领导下,苹果越来越强大,并确立了自己成为创新和高雅设计的代名词。Under Jobs, the company has gone from strength to strength, establishing itself as a byword for innovation and elegant design.

另外他还是一个作家,他在自传中诉说了自己与100多位恋人之间的故事,使得他的名字成为了多情男人的代号。He was also a writer. His autobiographical musings about his more than 100 lovers made his name a byword for a man who loves too much.

无花果儿这名字本来含有侮辱的意思,后来却成了学校里最受欢迎和最体面的浑名儿之一。The name of Figs, which had been a byword of reproach, became as respectable and popular a nick name as any other in use in the school.

可以说,一个成熟的、优质的高等教育大众化、普及化体系,必然是一个多样化的高等教育体系。In another word, a well-rounded and excellent higher education system of massification and universalization is a byword of diversified one.

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旅鼠是一种生活在北半球北极区和亚北极区的小型啮齿类动物,一直以来人们流传着很多关于他们愚笨和自杀的笑话。Lemmings, small rodents of the arctic and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, have long been a byword for mass mindlessness and mass suicide.

中国仅在2005年开始尝试资产证券化,并在2007年搁置了这项试验,当时这项技术成为了西方所发生问题的代名词。China only began trying asset securitization in 2005 and put the experiment on hold in 2007, when the technique became a byword for problems in the West.

然而,公布的数据显示,可口可乐是美国占据世界的品牌,现如今英国产垃圾最多的品牌。But not only has Coca-Cola become a byword for American world domination, it is now the most littered brand in the UK, according to figures released today.