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这东西非常薄是肉色的。They're very scanty and flesh colored.

哪些是碱性疏菜、水果?What is alkalescent scanty dish, fruit?

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我对于国际事务只是一知半解。I have only a scanty knowledge of world affairs.

这个农民的经济困难是因为收成不足造成的。The farmer 's financial difficulties were caused By a scanty harvest.

利润在这样的涨价之风中越显微薄。The business profit is more and more scanty in the storm of the price.

胆小鬼往往自称心细,吝啬鬼往往自称节省。The sheep always say they are careful, the cheapskate always say they are scanty.

当阳光照射到稀疏得如同云彩一般的微小颗粒上,云隙光便随之出现。These appear when sunlight strikes tiny particles too scanty to appear as clouds.

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其实,这些高压力的工作,工资却是令人惊奇地低。As a matter of fact, some of the highest-stress jobs pay surprisingly scanty salaries.

她光着脚,但是身上穿着由兽皮和碎布制成的明显偏小的衣服,头上顶着一片葫芦叶。Her feet were bare, but she wore a scanty dress of rags and skins, and a gourd leaf on her hair.

我很鄙视这个观点,我认为我是有道理的,因为证据实在太有限I am making light of it and I think it's somewhat justified, because the evidence is just so scanty.

工业企业效益差是当前许多矛盾的症结所在。All the contradictions existing in industrial enterprises today boil down to scanty economic returns.

从这座山上流下来的河流为这降水量极少的地区提供了农业用的水源。Rivers coursing down from the mountains provide water for agriculture in a region of scanty rainfall.

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晚饭不多,量不足,没有肉,也没有别的佐料,只有劣质的面包。Scanty and insufficient suppers those, and innocent of meat, as of most other sauce to wretched bread.

而那些疏于防范的企业网站则几乎必定会“遭遇不测”。And those are scanty stand at the intranet that be on guard almost sure meeting " experience accident ".

中世纪的资料很少,实际上没有关于1415年的皇室材料,也没有任何私人信件。Medieval sources are scanty. Virtually no royal accounts survive for 1415, and almost no private letters.

周期或严重出血会损伤津液导致口渴、尿少和皮肤干燥。Recurrent or severe bleeding may do damage to body fluid, resulting in thirst, scanty urine and dry skin.

钡餐检查或CT扫描中可发现有价值的腹内疝征象,但极少有此报道。Features of internal hernia on a barium meal study and CT scan are available, but reports are very scanty.

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虽然如此,由于定量的数据还不足,而光子又是这样激进的一个概念,很多人仍然不愿接受它。Even so since quantitative data were scanty and the photon so radical an idea it remained unaccepted by many.

我们都很健康,没生过什么病,但是我的月经不准而且量很少。We are both healthy and have had no disease before but my periods are not regular and the bleeding is scanty.

微薄的轮廓,明快曲线,在转瞬间给人一种耳目一新的感觉。Scanty outline, lively curve, the person gives a kind of sense that find everything new and fresh in in a flash.