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外侧入路主要依赖于臀中肌和臀小肌止点的剥离。The lateral approach is essentially dependent upon elevation of the insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus.

目的借助气象、环境与遥感监测指标建立微小按蚊密度评价模型。Objective To establish Anopheles minimus density evaluation model based on climate, environmental and remote sensing data.

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目的了解哀牢山微小按蚊数量变化与疟疾流行的关系。Objective To understand the relationship between variation of population number of Anopheles minimus and malaria prevalence.

一年级的小朋友是我们学校最小的同学,但他们也不甘示弱,让我们一起欣赏歌舞“生日晚会”。The students of grade one are the minimus of our school. But they also prepare the play. Let's enjoy their performing birthday's party.

目的探讨小斜角肌神经面的形态特点及其临床意义。Objective To investigate the morphological characteristic of the neural surface of scalenus minimus muscle and its clinical significance.

擅长领导与变革,1980年被哈佛商学院授予终生教授,是哈佛大学历史上获此殊荣的最年轻的二人之一。Be good at leading and transform, 1980 won the lifetime professor in Harvard business school, is the minimus person who won the laurel review history.

结论单侧臀肌挛缩症伴骨盆倾斜,多由臀中肌、臀小肌挛缩带引起髋关节外展畸形导致负重力线的改变而致病。Conclusion Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus could result in coxae abduction malformation and alteration of weight line, leading to pelvic obliquity.

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目的探讨微小按蚊为媒介的基本消灭疟疾地区疟疾监测方法及效果。Objective To study the method and result of malaria surveillance in the areas where Anopheles minimus was major vector and malaria was basically eliminated.

比如说比赛鞋吧,现在很多人穿着NB的极简路跑鞋来代替传统的比赛鞋。Take racing flats -- now you see a lot of people wearing the modern minimalist shoes, like the New Balance Minimus Road, instead of traditional racing flats.

目的了解福建省微小按蚊分布区疟疾流行态势,评价防治效果。Objective To make a clear understand of malaria epidemic posture and evaluate the control effect in the region distributed with Anopheles minimus in Fujian Province.

将捕获的蚊虫以传统方法进行形态学鉴定,然后用复合PCR法鉴别微小按蚊、乌头按蚊和杰普按蚊。The mosquitoes were firstly identified morphologically, and then Anopheles minimus A and C, An. aconitus, and An. jeyporiensis were identified by using multiplex PCR.

与广西微小按蚊卵巢营养细胞多线染色体比较,发现有12处差异。In comparison with the pattern of polytene chromosomes of A. minimus from Guangxi, difference at 12 positions has been found at the parts of arms in banding sequences.

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城乡差距是经济社会发展中一个突出问题,重庆市作为我国最年轻、最大的直辖市,城乡二元结构突出。Urban-rural difference is an outstanding problem. Chongqing Province is a minimus and maximal directly under the jurisdiction city of China, binary structure is protrudent.