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瓜尔迪大师,是你吗?Maestro Guardi, is that you?

老舍是语言艺术大师。Lao She is a language maestro.

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或许,我们又将迎来一个新的一代宗师了。Maybe there’s a new maestro in town.

大师是否又这么做了?O.K., so has the maestro done it again?

是的,大师,我以前听过你的解释。Yes, I have heard your explanation before, Maestro.

迈斯卓把男孩从另一个男孩的肩膀上抱下来。The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders.

指导教授是个极其有名的音乐大师。The guidance of a professor is a very famous music maestro.

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出身客家的指挥大师郑小瑛,今年已87岁高龄,但在舞台上挥棒依然激情满怀。Maestro Zheng Xiaoying, aging 87, is full of passion on stage.

请考虑短期的名单火鸟大师的特点如下。Please consider the short list of Firebird Maestro features below.

这是专辑的班轮说明写的巴博萨大师卡洛斯利马。These are the album's liner notes written by maestro Carlos Barbosa Lima.

每个队都有一个后防领袖,现在加拉就是那个中流砥柱。In any team you have a maestro and at the moment William is doing that job.

问安东尼奥大师关于白天或晚上堡垒的混凝土应该如何摆放。Ask Maestro Antonio how mortars 6 are positioned on bastions by day or night.

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随着这些升级这个麦哲伦大师4250一直是我的魅力工作。With these upgrades this Magellan Maestro 4250 has been working like a charm.

她其后获奖学金,在萨尔斯堡莫扎特音乐学院进修,师承格拉夫教授。She was awarded a scholarship to study at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Maestro Hans Graf.

在15世纪大师马蒂诺是厨师的主教阿奎在梵蒂冈。During the 15th century Maestro Martino was chef to the Patriarch of Aquileia at the Vatican.

2008年,她在小泽征尔指挥的“国家大剧院2008北京新年音乐会”上出任独奏。In the year 2008 she played in the NCPA New Year Concert in Beijing with Maestro Seiji Ozawa.

所选之音乐会须由大师会会员及港乐双方同意。Selected concerts must be under mutual agreement between the Club Maestro member and the HKPO.

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男孩学着迈斯卓的样子把手放在自己嘴边,好像要学迈斯卓把自己的皮扯掉的样子。The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off.

郭德纲是已故相声大师侯耀文的学生,是新一代相声传承人之一。Guo, a student of late crosstalk maestro Hou Yaowen, has been one of new torchbearers for the art.

好像连巴洛克时期的大师也穿越时空,特别来眷顾这个自学的音乐精灵。As if the spirit of Baroque maestro travels through time taking care of this self-taught music genie.