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煮鸡蛋做的鹭。Heron made of boiled egg.

我练步,像只苍鹭那样。I am practicing to walk like a heron.

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那白鹭鼓动着翅膀从水面上飞来。The heron came flapping over the water.

洪水过后的生态公园的苍鹭。A heron at a flooded ecology park in Seoul.

这是一张带有翅膀影子的苍鹭照片。Photo of a heron with its shadow on her wing.

中国池鹭是个殄殄猎食者。The Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predator.

一只苍鹭在头上飞过,正在寻找食物。A heron swoops overhead, looking for its next meal.

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另一只池鹭飞来了,并且又来了一只绿鹭。Another one flies , and Striated Heron appears too.

别担心这是怎么来的,海伦发现了这个规律。Don't worry about how came about, Heron found this out.

鹭鹭不虞有诈,勇敢应对。The heron heron has unexpectedly cheats, deals bravely.

这种苍鹭在北美分布最广,而且个头最大。The largest and most widespread heron in North America.

一只年幼的夜鹭在池塘边。There was a young Black-crowned night heron at the pond.

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美丽的野鸭在湖中安憩,巨大的鹭鸶在觅食。rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

但一只饥饿的鹭飞下来,把他当晚餐吞了。But a hungry heron flew down and swallowed him up for supper.

但是,一个饥饿的鹭飞下来,吞没了他吃晚饭。but a hungry heron flew down and swallowed him up for supper.

赫伦公司是一家私营公司,没有在股票交易市场挂牌。Heron is a private company and is not quoted on the Stock Market.

鹭鹭以世交身份接近夏木俊。Heron heron by family friendship of many generations status close Xia Mujun.

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但2006年,两地鹭鸟种群发生了明显的变化。However the heron populations had obviously changed at the two places in 2006.

白鹭和池鹭雏鸟的生长表现为S型生长曲线。The growth of nestlings of in little egret and pond heron appeared in S curve.

一只蓝鸥鸟打挺远个地方扑搭着膀子到了这嘎嗒的水泡子。A blue heron rises from a distant shore and gently fans its way over the water.