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假如在幽思的引导下,偶然有缘分。If chance, by lonely contemplation led.

她静静地沈思了一个小时。She spent an hour in quiet contemplation.

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沉思也变得是反射性的,就像呼吸。Contemplation becomes reflexive, like breathing.

我非常满足于哲理性的冥想。I am quite content with philosophic contemplation.

在对永恒的注视之中我获得较大的安慰。I take greater comfort in the contemplation of eternity.

一个很大的动静将我从这种病态的沉思中惊醒过来。A large movement shocked me from my morbid contemplation.

刘亮做了一整天的思惟斗争,无果。Liu Liang made a day of contemplation struggle, to no avail.

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经三个月的沉思冥想之后,她改信了佛教。After three months of contemplation she converted to Buddhism.

在那里我接受为期两年沈思及严格的学术研究。It was two years of contemplation and rigorous academic research.

想到这样一种悲壮的行为,苏菲亚不胜陶醉了。Sophia was charmed with the contemplation of so heroic an action.

它要求关注和回应,它是沉思的敌人。It demands attention and response.It is the enemy of contemplation.

第五部分,近现代昆曲教育的回顾与思考。Part five is the review of contemplation on modern Kunqu education.

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我的第三个弟子因为思虑过度而成了呆子。My third disciple dulled his intellect through too much contemplation.

梳理这些喜悦和沉思是更好地为未来的发展。Carding these joy and contemplation is better for the future development.

宝钗一般会在未来的孩子这个问题上凝思细想。Bao-chai usually paused on the contemplation of possible children longest.

这也是一个鼓励业余爱好者深思的现象层。It is also a phenomenological layers which encourage dilettante contemplation.

我领悟了东方人所谓的沉思默想和暂弃劳作的其中意味。I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of works.

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经由持续向神默祷,头脑会从世俗欲望转移。By constant contemplation on God the mind should be turned away from mundane desires.

奎尔普先生正在从容地注视着繁星,好象全神对着天空沉思似的。Mr. Quilp was serenely gazing AT the stars, quite absorbed in celestial contemplATion.

此刻,你会充分领略到这些沉思的益处。At this point, you'll be ready to get the full benefit of these moments of contemplation.