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国庆节快乐*!Happy Bastille Day!

巴士底狱的阴影又一次降临到了他身上。The shadow of the Bastille had fallen on him again.

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这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.

每年有成千上万的游客参观巴黎的巴士底狱遗址。Thousands of people come to see the remains of the Bastille in Paris every year.

1789年7月14日,巴黎市民释放了监禁于巴士底狱的囚犯。On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris freed the prisoners incarcerated in the Bastille.

在另一首散文诗里面,“长城”倒下据说是意味着攻占巴士底狱。In another verse, the "great wall" falling is said to mean the storming of the Bastille.

7月14号,巴黎群众在巴士底广场举行了庆祝活动,以纪念1789年的大革命。Parisians celebrate the Great Revolution of 1789 in the Place de la Bastille on July 14th.

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对于那些崇尚言论自由和思想自由的人来说,巴士底狱确实是邪恶的象征。For those who believed in free speech and free thinking, the Bastille stood for everything bad.

星期二,法国巴黎在香榭丽舍大街上演传统阅兵式纪念法国国庆日。Paris remembered Bastille Day Tuesday with a traditional military parade on the Champs Elysees.

巴士底狱是在法国大革命时期被摧毁的一个位于巴黎的堡垒监狱。The Bastille was a fortress and prison in Paris that was destroyed during the French Revolution.

萨科齐先生邀请工会主义者共进午餐,还邀请“受害者和英雄们”参加他的巴士底日聚会。Mr Sarkozy invited trade unionists to lunch and “victims and heroes” to his Bastille Day garden party.

巴士底狱是一座堡垒,既充当着监狱,又充当着存放武器和驻扎士兵的要塞。The Bastille was a fortress, which acted as both a prison and a stronghold containing arms and soldiers.

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车门又关上,马车向前飞跑,上了河岸向巴士底狱的方向驶去。The door slammed, and the carriage drove rapidly away, ascending the quays in the direction of the Bastille.

每一个法国的城市、小镇和村庄都庆祝攻占巴士底狱节,旅居海外的法国侨民也不例外。Bastille Day celebrations erupt in every French city, town, and hamlet9, and among French expatriates10 as well.

1940年,在伦敦“纪念攻占巴士底狱”游行活动中,维莱特邂逅了匈牙利裔法国军官艾蒂安.萨博。Violette met Etienne Szabo, a French officer of Hungarian descent, at the Bastille Day parade in London in 1940.

巴士底日那天会有一场大型焰火晚会来庆祝法国大革命的开始。A large fireworks show always takes place on Bastille day which celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution.

在他救死扶伤之际,当年巴士底囚徒的外表和故事使他远离众人。In the exercise of his skill, the appearance and the story of the Bastille Captive removed him from all other men.

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法国国庆日定在每年7月14日,叫"巴士底狱日",以纪念1789年民众攻占象征王权的巴士底监狱。Bastille Day is France's national holiday. It commemorates the storming of the former Bastille Prison on 14 July 1789.

这广场无愧此举,街垒当之无愧地出现在被摧毁的巴士底监狱原址上。The situation deserved the trouble and this barricade was worthy to figure on the very spot whence the Bastille had disappeared.

送葬行列从死者的府邸,以激动而沉重的步伐,经过几条大路,慢慢走到了巴士底广场。The procession proceeded, with feverish slowness, from the house of the deceased, by way of the boulevards as far as the Bastille.