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以东方百合“索邦”的鳞片为外植体,进行组织培养技术研究。The oriental lily squamas of Sorbonne were used as explants for tissue culture.

你知道的实际上在故事里老G此刻身在巴黎大学授课。You know actually at this point in the story, Grissom is in Paris at the Sorbonne.

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只有索尔邦校区中,还保留一分古老名校的典雅气派。Only the Sorbonne district still retains the venerable air of a famous institution.

他就读于巴黎索邦大学,然后流亡法国首都。He attended Paris' Sorbonne University and later spent time in exile in the French capital.

他还带她进入了法语文学殿堂,因为他曾经在巴黎索邦大学就读。He also brought her into the palace of French literature, because he had attended the Sorbonne.

西奥多罗斯福还在牛津大学、巴黎大学等许多大学发表了很多演讲。Theodore Roosevelt made a number of speeches at several universities, including Oxford and the Sorbonne.

百合与兵豆由于照射材料、育种目的以及物种差异方面的不同而使用了不同的照射剂量。Sorbonne lilies and lentils were irradiated by different dosages for their different breeding purposes and materials.

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但在百合的初期生长抑制以及兵豆的生长促进和产量增加上都表现出了重离子辐射生物中很常见的“马鞍”形曲线。But the inhibiting effects in Sorbonne growth and the enhancements of lentil yields showed the same"up-and-down"trend.

再次回到巴黎圣母院的左岸,在向荣军院西进之前先参观索邦神学院,最后在参观埃菲尔铁塔。Once on the left bank, visit the Sorbonne before heading westward to Les Invalides, and finishing at the Eiffel tower.

法国高等教育具有悠久的历史,第一所高等学府索邦神学院始建于1257年。France has a long history of higher education, the first institution of higher learning Sorbonne Theological Seminary, founded in 1257.

她在巴黎大学获得了哲学博士的学位,并有意愿在很年轻的时候就成为一名修女,然而她却没有“只工作不玩耍”。She earned a degree in philosophy at the Sorbonne and expressed a desire to be a nun from an early age, but she was not all work and no play.

她曾在巴黎索邦神学院攻读历史和哲学,获得了哲学博士学位,后又去慕尼黑研修艺术和人文科学。She has studied at the Sorbonne University history and philosophy of God, received his Ph. D. training in Munich andlater to the arts and humanities.

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而最具野兽派气质的是勒•柯布西耶风格的项目,惯于荷兰式做法的尼•马斯设想了一个塔式建筑以取代巴黎大学和高速公路贯穿巴黎中心。Le Corbusier-esque project, the Dutch practice MVRDV imagines a tower-block in place of the Sorbonne and motorways cutting through the heart of Paris.

由于波兰的大学不接收女生,玛丽·斯卡洛多斯卡·居里无法在波兰继续学业,于是她于1891年来到巴黎,进了巴黎大学。Unable to continue her studies in Poland because universities did not admit women, Maria Sklodowska Curie traveled to Paris in 1891 to attend the Sorbonne.

因此我除了在索邦大学读书,也在高等社会科学研究院取得学位。该院聚集了一班特立独行的教授。This is why, besides studying at Sorbonne I also took degrees at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, which regrouped a number of maverick professors.

在外头,警车的号笛在抗议学生群中响起,这些学生想佔领隔壁的索本大学,以抗议法国政府所提议的新就业法。Outside, police sirens scream amid student protestors trying to occupy the Sorbonne next door in response to the French government's proposed new employment law.

本周,巴黎一所索邦神学院的学生会投票决定罢课并且封锁校园,以此抗议萨尔科齐先生的大学改革计划。This week, student unions at one of the Sorbonne universities in Paris voted to strike and blockade their campus, in protest at Mr Sarkozy's university-reform plans.

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然而顾拜旦并未泄气,1894年6月23日,他在巴黎索邦大学的一个典礼上成立了国际奥林匹克委员会。Coubertin, however, was not discouraged and on 23 June, 1894 he founded the International Olympic Committee in a ceremony held at the University of Sorbonne in Paris.

而最具野兽派气质的是勒•柯布西耶风格的项目,惯于荷兰式做法的尼•马斯设想了一个塔式建筑以取代巴黎大学和高速公路贯穿巴黎中心。In the most brutalist, Le Corbusier-esque project, the Dutch practice MVRDV imagines a tower-block in place of the Sorbonne and motorways cutting through the heart of Paris.

象巴黎圣母院、圣心教堂、卢浮宫、索邦教堂、圣徒礼拜堂、兰斯大教堂、勃艮第大教堂,都是世界建筑艺术的精华。Like the Notre Dame de Paris, Sacred Heart Church, the Louvre, the Sorbonne church, Saint worship hall, Lance Cathedral, Burgundy Cathedral, Are the essence of world architecture art.