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他点头向我打招呼。He greeted us with cordiality.

我的寄宿家庭妈妈热诚地迎接我。My homestay mother greeted me with cordiality.

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我的女主人以出乎意外的热诚迎接我。My hostess greeted me with unexpected cordiality.

我觉得他很真诚,他很珍惜我们在一起的段时间。I felt his cordiality as he treasured them for a long time.

我对这个称呼没有任何的亲切感或者怀念感。I did not call any of this, or miss the sense of cordiality.

那胖子以他一贯的兴高采烈的热诚接待了他。The fat man received him with his usual boisterous cordiality.

当我见到你我就对你产生了爱的情意!When I see you me and then produced a loving cordiality to you!

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埃及想要友好地解决该问题。Egypt wants to solve the problem in an atmosphere of cordiality.

宴会在热忱友好的气氛中进行。The banquet was held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality.

绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!The continuing love and concern, the thick cordiality and wish, Mid-Autumn happiness!

这个星期的显著特点是,在布鲁塞尔、都柏林和莫斯科对威尔逊先生表现出了不断增长的热诚。The week has been marked by increased cordiality in Brussels, Dublin and Moscow towards Mr Wilson.

往日情意再回首,暖暖祝福心中留,愿你开心久久,快乐永不休!Cordiality in former days, stay warm blessing heart, wish you happy for a long time, happiness never cease!

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本公司抱着真诚和作,热诚服务为宗旨,热烈欢迎各新老客户光临指导并提出宝贵意见。We're keeping the faith of honesty and cordiality , and you're welcomed to give us the advice and suggestion.

费南多工作严谨、热诚,他的准确的教学方法性使他赢得许多美誉。His intense work as a teacher is remarkable in particularly because of his cordiality and didactics' accuracy.

与世博会会徽“世”异曲同工,在呈现中国文化个性的同时,表达了志愿者的用“心”和热“心”。It implies the conscientiousness and cordiality of volunteers and has a distinctive character of Chinese culture.

千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福。新年快乐!Li asked peace? And the missing us. Love and concern, the continuous thick cordiality and blessing. Happy New Year!

然而,就是那些身边的所谓“小事”,往往成为一个人塑造人格和积累诚信的关键。But far and away from being so called-"trifle", they are often the keys of molding personality and making cordiality.

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如今,当库图佐夫和这个受降级处分的军官谈话之后,他怀着老友会面的喜悦心情向他倾吐所怀。But now, after Kutuzov's conversation with the degraded officer, he addressed him with all the cordiality of an old friend.

运城是一个年轻而美丽的城市,热情好客的运城人民一定会用自己的真情和热诚给大家送去春天般的温暖。I believe that our hospitable Yuncheng citizens will open our arms to present spring-like warmth with sincerity and cordiality.

愿寻求各界朋友共享双赢,奉献王丰米业最诚挚的心!Seeking for the cordiality of friends from everywhere to share mutual benefit with us and contribute to Wangfeng Rice Industry.