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无头蟑螂能存活9天以上Headless Roaches Can Live Up To Nine Days

即使是没有头的蟑螂,也可以存活几个星期之久。Headless roaches are capable of living for weeks.

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据说一个无头人常在古堡游荡。It was said that a headless man haunted the castle.

伊卡博得朝后看了看那个无头人是否停下来了。IK looked back to see if the headless man has stopped.

你找寻在血中沐浴的勇士,那个无头骑士。You seek the warrior bathed in blood the headless horseman.

这是在headless模式下唯一无法进行的操作。This is the only operation that cannot be done in headless mode.

上帝告诉他们这些没有智慧的人是命中注定的下人。God told them the headless bodies were destined to be poor workers.

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哦,你无头鸡那些可怜的牙要花那么多踢?Oh, you headless chicken Can those poor teeth take so much kicking?

无头的尸体行走在沙滩上寻找着自己的头颅。Headless bodies are seen walking the beaches in search of their heads.

克里奥帕特拉别墅遗址上的无头雕塑。Headless statues remain standing in the ruins of the House of Cleopatra.

差点没头的尼克收到了无头猎手队的帕特里克先生的信。Nearly Headless Nick received one from Sir Patrick of the Headless Hunt.

无头鬼到了失物招领处时会发生什么事?What happened when the headless ghost visited the Lost Property Department?

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人们把他描绘成手持自己首级的无头之躯。He is represented as a headless body holding its decapitated head in its hands.

“我们使用Kayak趋势数据为销售团队做指引,”Harniman表示。“We use headless Kayak trends data to direct sales team efforts, ” Harniman says.

大佛在元末毁于战火,在1980年被重新发现时已是四肢残缺、破碎不堪。When it was found again in 1980, the Buddha is only a headless and fragmented body.

最后他们开始相信是无头骑马人带走了爱查宝德。And finally they came to believe that the headless horseman had carried Ichabod away.

哈尔顿领着他们走过无头英雄来到一个坐落于广场前的石头旅馆。Haldon led them past the headless hero to where a big stone inn fronted on the square.

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差点没头的尼克朝哈利飘了过来,脑袋依旧在皱领上摇摇晃晃。Nearly Headless Nick was gliding toward Harry, his head wobbling as usual upon his ruff.

而且,后来他们开始相信,是无头骑士把伊卡波特给掳走了。As time went by, they started to believe that is the headless knight who took Icabot away.

他搞不清楚究竟自己需要什么,就像一只无头昆虫在天空中不停游荡。Unaware of what he really needs, he ceaselessly roams in the sky just like a headless insect.