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这些限制可能会阻碍布拉德韦尔项目。These could potentially imperil the Bradwell project.

但是生物技术进步怎么能威胁人的尊严呢?But how does biotechnological progress imperil human dignity?

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阿连德一旦获胜,就将危及我们在西半球的利益。A victory for Allende would imperil our interests in the Western Hemisphere.

“但如果不这样做,就有可能降低世界在未来养活其人民的能力”。But failure to do so could imperil the world’s future capacity to feed its people.

使用劣质材料制成的假冒配件可能给你和你至爱的家人的生命造成严重的侵害。What′s more, counterfeits made of low-quality materials may imperil the lives of you and your loved ones.

但冯永锋指出,速生丰产林和人工纯林的发展对中国的野生物种和天然林生物多样性造成了威胁。But fast-growing, single species forests threaten wildlife and imperil the country's biodiversity, writes Feng Yongfeng.

办公室的礼节和规矩也困扰着新职员,他们还没从校园头脑体例转换到办公室模式。Office etiquette and rules might also imperil new employees who haven't yet made the switch from campus mind to office mind.

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办公室的礼仪和规则也困扰着新职员,他们还没从校园思维方式转换到办公室模式。Office etiquette and rules might also imperil new employees who haven’t yet made the switch from campus mind to office mind.

虫媒病严重危害人类健康,蚊媒病毒性疾病种类多,临床表现复杂且不典型。Insect-borne diseases imperil humans and animals, and there are many mosquito-borne diseases with complicated manifestations.

他不惜违抗自己党派的意愿并打乱内务议程做出如此决定,可谓勇气可嘉。His courage in doing so against the instincts of his own party, and his readiness to imperil his domestic agenda, should be commended.

这份报告会危害国家安全,中情局放出话来,要迅速解决这份长达500页的报告。The CIA has promised to work "expeditiously" to scrub the nearly 500-page summary of information that could imperil national security.

与此同时,今天,人类所做的及没能做到的事情,不仅危害到这个星球上的生命,也危害到该星球的寿命。At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.?

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她唯一赖以的方式就是加速一连串的天然灾害,这样只会危及你们地表居民的生存。Her only recourse is a series of stepped-up natural catastrophes that can only imperil your existence as primary residents of the surface realm.

简单来说,中国商务部称可口可乐的“龙头地位”将会威胁到小型竞争者,迫使消费者面临价格太高,选择变少的情况。In a brief statement, China’s ministry of commerce said Coke’s “dominant status” might imperil small competitors and force consumers to face higher prices and less choice.

批评人士指出,监管者高估了计划的作用并且正在埋下新的危险,即,银行业将发放政治化的贷款,而这只会进一步威胁金融体系。Cynics say that the overseers were expecting too much and are creating the danger that banks will make politicized loans that will only further imperil the financial system.

本文从对腐败犯罪的界定及腐败的危害作用着手,根据全球问题治理、非传统安全理论。According to the theory of global problems governing and the theory of non-traditional security, the paper commence from the definition of the corruption crime and its imperil.

有专家特别指出,中国的空军实力已经从有限的区域力量发展成为具有威胁美国利益潜在可能的军事力量。Experts noted that China’s air force, in particular, has advanced from being a regional power with limited capabilities to a force with growing potential to imperil US interests.

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如果日本政府需要发行新的债券以进行震后重建的话,让人忧虑的是,这在未来将危及其经济状况,提高借贷成本甚至引发以存在的债券危机。If the Japanese government needs to issue new bonds to rebuild, the concern goes, that might further imperil its fiscal situation, raising its borrowing costs and even sparking default.

如果这一过程继续下去,科学家们担心随着时间的推移这将会严重破坏海洋生物圈,而这会进一步威胁到墨西哥湾每年数十亿美元的渔业。If such impacts continue, the scientists warn of a grim reshuffling of sealife that could over time cascade through the ecosystem and imperil the region's multibillion-dollar fishing industry.

尽管中国不欢迎美国势力出现在其边境附近,但中国希望有个稳定的西部,并认为华府突然收回对巴基斯坦的支持可能危及其边境稳定。While China does not welcome the U.S. presence near its border, it wants stability on its western flank and believes an abrupt withdrawal of Washington's support for Pakistan could imperil that.