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补充水份重现肌肤柔软肤质。Replenishes moisture to restore suppleness.

每一节课都要从柔软开始。Begin every lesson to start to create suppleness.

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柔软的马儿是一名非常棒的学生。Suppleness increases communication between horse and rider.

洗涤增强耐用性和保持皮革柔软。Washing enhances durability and maintains suppleness of leather.

洗涤增强耐用性和保持皮革柔软。Washing enhances durability and maintains suppleness of the leather.

猫伸展的时候能够在瞬间放松压力,恢复柔软。A cat stretches to relieve tension and restore suppleness in an instant.

尿囊素和泛酰醇有助于治疗,更生和增添皮肤的弹性。Allantoin and Panthenol help heal, rebuild, and add suppleness to your skin.

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节奏和柔软一旦形成,马就已经准备好了要建立联系。The horse is ready for contact as soon as rhythm and suppleness are established.

这种奢侈的滑石润肤露能使缺水的皮肤恢复柔软与弹性。This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin.

只有直的马,两边的缰绳才是均等使用的,伸屈自如并且顺从。Only a straight horse is even on both reins, and with suppleness remains obedient.

口感入口即化,柔顺的纯樱桃果味。Characteristics such as suppleness in the mouth feel and its pure cherry fruit flavors.

柔软和舒服是功能和智能衣服的目标。Suppleness and comfort, those are the watchwords for functional and intelligent clothing.

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即使是极干性的发质也能迅速恢复天然的强健,柔顺和亮泽。Even the most dehydrated hair quickly regains its original strength, suppleness and shine.

练习简单的瑜伽伸展姿势,以促进老年人的平衡和柔软的焦点。Yoga stretch exercises for seniors focus on simple poses to promote balance and suppleness.

体育课探究式教育改变了传统教学统一化和单一化的单向传习教学模式。The research teaching changes the mode of unification and suppleness in traditional teaching.

此酒将紧致与柔顺的特质完美结合,是一款个性十足的勃根蒂上等佳酿。This wine offers a nice grip and suppleness at the same time. A Burgundy with character and class.

提升肌肤活力,保持肌肤的水份及弹性。特别推荐乾燥无弹性肤质使用。Increases suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Specially formulated for dry and dull looking skin.

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保护皮肤免受脱水,还原肌肤的柔嫩度与改善皮肤干燥。Protects skin from dehydration , restores skin's suppleness and improves the appearance of dry skin.

去训练马的正直,需要训练马匹两侧的力量和柔软。To develop straightness in a horse, you will need to develop the strength and suppleness of both of his sides.

EO复合主要植物萃取物,氨基酸以及润肤霜来恢复皮肤柔软。EO Moisturizing Complex utilizes key botanical extracts, Amino Acids and Moisturizers to restore skin suppleness.