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烂鳃病的症状?The symptom of sodden branchial disease?

它们有一条推进用的尾巴,咽及鳃裂。IV. They present a propulsive tail, pharynx and branchial openings.

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鳃裂囊肿以第二鳃裂囊肿最多见。Branchial crack cyst with the 2nd branchial crack cyst to see at most.

鳃裂囊肿有其相对固定的发病部位,增强扫描无强化。Branchial cleft cyst had the relatively fixed location and hadn't been enhanced.

第二鳃裂瘘和甲状舌管瘘在临床上较为常见。The second branchial fistula and thyroglossal fistula are relatively common lesions.

目的探讨原发性鳃裂癌临床特点及预后。Objective To analyze the clinical feature and prognosis of primary branchial carcinoma.

鳃丝明显变宽,其两侧的鳃孔也变小,排列更紧密。The branchial filament clearly widen and whose holes become smaller and closely arranged.

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双侧鳃裂异常临床上较为罕见,且常有家族遗传倾向。Bilateral branchial cleft fistulas are uncommon, but the incidence is higher in the same family.

鳃上器的血液来源于第二、第四对入鳃动脉。The blood of supranchial organ originates from the second and the fourth afferent branchial artery.

目的探讨先天性第一鳃裂囊肿及瘘管的诊断和治疗方法。Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of the congenital first branchial cyst and fistula.

鲻鱼甲状腺滤泡分散分布于前鳃区腹主动脉周围的结缔组织中。The thyroid gland of grey mullet is dispersedly distributed in the region of anterior branchial arch.

目的探讨第一、二鳃弓综合征的病因学、临床症状及治疗手段。Objective To study pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of the first and second branchial arch syndrome.

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甲状舌管囊肿及鳃裂囊肿呈单房性,淋巴管瘤多为多房性。Most of the thyroglossal duct cyst and branchial cleft cyst were monolocular, while lymphangioma was multilocular.

目的探讨第一、二鳃弓综合征面部不对称畸形的整形外科矫治方法。Objective To explore the methods in treatment of facial asymmetry in the first and second branchial arch syndrome.

目的探讨面神经解剖在第一鳃裂瘘管切除术中的意义。Objective To evaluate the significance of dissection of the facial nerve in resection of the first branchial fistula.

常与血管瘤、单纯囊肿、鳃裂囊肿、皮脂腺囊肿、皮样囊肿难于鉴别。It was difficult to distinguish them from hemangioma, pure cyst, branchial cleft cyst, sebaceous gland cyst and dermoid cyst.

文章阐述了第一鳃裂囊肿的临床诊断及其误诊原因。A brief discussion has been made in the clinical diagnosis and the causes of misdiagnosis in the first branchial cleft diseases.

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因为下颈部异位性唾液腺常伴随管窦腔,所以其胚胎的来源可能是鳃弓器。Because HSG is associated with sinus tract, the embryologic origin of HSG in the lower neck may be from the branchial apparatus.

用显微解剖术和扫描电镜方法观察第11~21期鸡胚鳃器官的形态结构.鸡胚鳃器官由4对鳃弓、鳃沟、鳃膜和咽囊组成。The morphogenesis of the branchial apparatus was examined by scanning electron microscopy in chick embryos from stages 11 to 21.

这种非随即联合意味着脊柱、第一和第二腮弓的形态学上的单一病变。This nonrandom association represents unilateral errors in the morphogenesis of the spine, the first and second branchial arches.