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歌曲又有舞蹈的混合表演。The show was a miscellany of song and dance.

那是有歌曲和舞蹈的混合表演。The show was a miscellany of song and dance.

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最上层的抽屉装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.

常满储物箱主要用途为摆放各类小型杂物、文件等。The sheung moon box is mainly used for putting various types of small miscellany and documents.

“题跋”是附于一定载体之后的短小灵活的杂记散文。The inscriptive writings are attaches after the certain carrier the short nimble miscellany prose.

在杂货专区转了几分钟后,一个中国陶制的耶稣像让我感到浑身一冷。I've been poking around General Miscellany for a few minutes when a Chinese ceramic Jesus stops me cold.

海洋污染图片。混杂的汽水瓶盖,饮料硬纸盒,塑料废料位于墨西哥阿卡普尔科海滩的边缘。A miscellany of soda caps, drink cartons, and plastic scraps sits at the edge of an Acapulco, Mexico, beach.

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以前的住客们留下了各种各样的东西,我们找到了一种叫“阿拉斯加荒原”的小游戏纸牌。Earlier tenants had left behind a miscellany of items, among which we discovered a trivia game called Alaska Wild Card.

全球化的困惑使我们进入了一个杂话语的时代,但是每一种话语都深深地打着不同学科背景的烙印。The confusion caused by globalization leads us into an age of miscellany speech. Each speech bears with itself the deep stamp from different disciplines.

舞蹈是融文学、音乐、美术等于一体的综合艺术形式,它能以直观有效的方式对幼儿的认知、情感、社会性、审美等各方面发展起到积极的促进作用。In an aesthetic sense, dance is such a comprehensive form of art that it is, more often than not, termed as a miscellany of literature, music, and drawing.

在周口店北京人遗址出土的猿人化石、石制品、哺乳动物化石种类数量之多以及用火遗迹之丰富,都是同时代其它遗址所无法相比的。For all the ape fossils, stoneware, and fossil of mammals unearthed at the Peking Man Site, other sites of the same age are not its match regarding quantity and miscellany of "fire" remains.

马龙派教徒,科普特人,柏柏尔人,库尔德人,非洲人以及阿拉伯人和穆斯林都聚居在从大西洋到波斯湾,自撒哈拉以南的沙漠到安纳托利亚山麓丘陵的混合陆地上。Maronites, Copts, Berbers, Kurds and Africans as well as Arabs and Muslims inhabit a miscellany of lands from the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf and from the Saharan desert to the foothills of Anatolia.