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比较复杂It's complicated.

爱是个复杂的题目。Love is complicated topic.

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情况复杂。The situation is complicated.

现在,问题变得更加复杂了Now, it gets more complicated.

故事情节复杂。The story is very complicated.

实际远远比那复杂得多。It's more complicated than that.

所以这是个非常复杂的过程。So it's a very complicated move.

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露西是吗?案情还真够复杂的。Really? The case is so complicated.

这个录像机对我来说是太复杂了。This VCR is too complicated for me!

亲家是一种复杂的群体。In-laws are complicated individuals.

其中最复杂的一种叫做伊卡特。The most complicated is called ikat.

现在,通常地,这是复杂的。Now, in general, this is complicated.

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这名匠人设计了一套复杂的工具。The artisan crafted a complicated tool.

但如果是一些更复杂的平面呢?What if it is a more complicated plane?

但是这些领域都是复杂的。But each of these fields is complicated.

但是这些形式是很复杂的。But these forms can be very complicated.

实际比那复杂太多。It's so much more complicated than that.

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关于弗兰奇这件事是很复杂的。As for Flachi, it's a complicated matter.

语法规则是复杂的Now, the syntactic rules are complicated.

问题更复杂了。The problem became even more complicated.