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谢谢。这是学佛菜1965年型号的。Thanks. It's a 1965 Corvette.

驱潜快艇听到了露西的呼救信号。Lucy's distress call was heard by the corvette.

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Corvette是美国第一辆两座运动车。The Corvette was America's first two-seat sports car.

雪佛兰克尔维特Z06以其独特的形状。The Chevrolet Corvette Z06 is known for its unique shape.

克尔维特是重新大体育标志,其产品阵容。Corvette is reintroducing the Grand Sport badge to its lineup.

我是想看爬坡,是一辆1978年的雪佛莱。对吗?Well. I'd like to take a look at it. It's a 1978 Corvette. Right.

克尔维特车型和摇滚乐于50年前在美国同时诞生,这纯属巧合么?The Corvette and rock `n` roll were both born in America, 50 years ago. Coincidence?

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战争造成南越护航舰“怒涛”号沉没和另外一艘护卫舰重创。The battle resulted in one South Vietnamese corvette being sunk, and another heavily damaged.

早些时候回国的一名战俘从丹佛的一个经销商处弄到了一辆崭新的考文特牌汽车,一个月后,这车就撞得无法修理了。An earlier POW returnee was given a new Corvette by a Denver dealer and totaled it the next month.

车仓内,比之前两代车的塑料内饰,也有了很大飞跃。The cabin is also a quantum leap forward from the plasticky Corvette interiors of a generation or two ago.

打开引擎盖之后会进一步印证这一想法,因为你可以看到雪佛兰克尔维特发动机,它的速度可达每小时100英里。A look under the hood would further your assumption, as you would find a Chevy Corvette engine, capable of reaching speeds of 100MPH.

想想通用伟大的设计,并且想想比尔米切尔的绝妙的像鲨鱼样的1963年雪佛兰黄貂鱼车,或他的无以伦比的1963别克里维埃拉。Think of great GM design, and think of Bill Mitchell's sensational, shark-like 1963 Corvette Stingray, or his peerless 1963 Buick Riviera.

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据报道,台湾海军希望使用自产的“雄风III型”超音速舰舰导弹来装备该艇。The Taiwanese Navy hopes to arm the corvette with Taiwan's home-grown Hsiungfeng III supersonic ship-to-ship missile, according to the report.

同时它在使用潜艇方面毫不犹豫,在3月份发生的使用鱼雷击沉韩国1200吨的护卫舰“天安号”就可证明。And it is not hesitant to use its maritime forces, as demonstrated by the sinking of the 1,200-ton South Korean corvette Cheonan by a torpedo in March.

碳五的C6克尔维特杯架,封闭墙烛台,经典的小熊维尼卡持有人,持有人丝蜡烛罐,古色古香。Closed pregnant Corvette "C6" and the Environmental Protection Agency in the Cup, wall sconces, classic Winnie the holder Nika Wii, wire candle holders and "old" cans.

南朝鲜总统李明博声称有大量证据无可辩驳地证明北朝鲜的鱼雷于三月26日炸沉了天安号,导致46个南朝鲜水兵死亡。South Korean Prime Minister Lee Myung-bak has claimed "overwhelming evidence" that a North Korean torpedo sank the corvette Cheonan on March 26, killing 46 sailors. U. S.

像Z51性能悬吊套件它取代,大体育将升级基地克尔维特底盘,更积极的冲击,弹簧,防侧倾杆。Like the Z51 performance-suspension package it displaces , the Grand Sport will upgrade the base Corvette chassis with more-aggressive shocks, springs, and anti-roll bars.

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该舰内部采用模块化设计,因此一艘轻型护卫舰能很容易地从一种职能被改装为另一种职能,这极大增加了其可用性和转售价值。The interior of the ship is modularly designed, so it is easy to reconfigure a corvette from one of these duties to another, thus greatly increasing its usefulness and resale value.

第三张脸“威胁恐吓”,在过去的20年内中国一直隐藏着这一面,直到去年3月份天安舰事件后才开始显露。The third is a threatening face, which had been hidden in the past 20 years of diplomatic relations but began to emerge after the sinking of the Navy corvette Cheonan in March last year.

在韩国军方组成的调查组指责北朝鲜于3月份使用鱼雷击沉其护卫舰“天安号”并打死46名水兵之后,北朝鲜将局势拉到了新的紧张高度。North Korea drove tensions to new heights after a team of investigators, led by South Korea's military, accused it of firing a torpedo in March to sink the corvette Cheonan, killing 46 men.