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选择固定利率旳抵押贷款。Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments.

这也是真正的抵押证券。This was also true of mortgage securities.

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如果你不偿还抵押贷款会怎样What happens if you don't pay your mortgage?

房奴的生活承受着巨。Mortgage slaves live under tremendous pressure.

如果抵押贷款成了你唯一的信贷时,罚款。Fine, if a mortgage is the only credit you have.

银行拒绝接受任何土地抵押。The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land.

但是,这无疑是在承担某些抵押贷款风险。But it’s definitely taking on some mortgage risk.

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按揭贷款是一种用不动产作抵押的贷款。A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property.

房屋抵押贷款与按揭的区别?。What are the difference between HELOC and Mortgage?

零乱是你的银行家和抵押持有人的需要。Gelt is what your bankers and mortgage holders need.

例句他把自己描述为他的汽车的车奴。He described himself as a mortgage slave to his car.

每月的偿还额如何计算呢How do they figure out what the mortgage payment is?

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关于年金的一个很好的例子就是房屋抵押A good example of an annuity is a mortgage on a house.

最后,讨论了楼花按揭的效力问题。Finally, it discusses the validity of Louhua mortgage.

这是很不简单的,以获得抵押贷款,在英国。It is not very simple to obtain a mortgage loan in UK.

抵押价格印在地契上。The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card.

这就是出现房奴的原因。This is the reason for the appearing of mortgage slave.

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在我的机器设备上只有一项动产抵押。Only there's a chattel mortgage on my machine equipment.

所以比起其他提供贷款者,他们更有优势。So they have these advantages over other mortgage buyers.

金融危机正朝更糟糕的发展。The subprime mortgage crisis is poised to get much worse.