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我点了咸猪肉和凉拌生菜丝。I've ordered savory pork and cole slaw.

生煎馒头底酥,肉香,皮薄。The bread was flaky and savory with thin skin.

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他吃光了一大盆很可口的炖肉。He consumed a large plateful of the very savory stew.

她将一大盘热气腾腾、美味可口的肉放在他面前。He consumed a large plateful of the very savory stew.

烂铁罐、生胶鞋、废物不卖,麦芽糖、甜夹香、何需花钱买。Savory Maltose sandwich biscuits needed no money to buy!

芬芳的熟食叶用菜,由于其味道可口,可用于烹调。Aromatic potherb used in cookery for its savory qualities.

小的、半圆形的或正方形的夹馅风味极佳的面食。Small circular or square cases of dough with savory fillings.

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一口美味佳淆,使拉美与东亚在洛杉矶交融。Latin America meets East Asia in Los Angeles in one savory bite.

看去很美味的东西,嚼起来竟如同嚼蜡。See go to very savory object, chew unexpectedly like chew a wax.

它可以尝起来辛辣,芳香或是甘甜,这都取决于包在里面的馅料。They may taste spicy, savory or sweet depending on the fillings.

店有名名传千里,牛排香香满华夏。Shop famous name spread far and wide, full of steak savory Chinese.

博尔德高中的颇具特点的参赛菜肴是令人食欲大开的牛肉椰菜丝。Boulder High School's entry featured savory beef and shredded cabbage.

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最好的霞多丽可以放的长久,发展蜂蜜坚果,咸味的复杂性。The best Chardonnays age well, developing honeyed nutty, savory complexity.

肉桂在中东肉桂也用于香辣鸡和羊肉菜。Cinnamon is also used in savory chicken and lamb dishes from the Middle East.

有成熟菠萝的芳香,也残留着豆豉鱼的风味。Its aroma is at once reminiscent of ripe pineapple and savory fermented fish.

只要你能煮出美味且有营养的晚饭让我来吃。And as soon you've prepared a nutritious yet savory meal that I'm about to eat.

当你在公园沉浸在花海里,为什么不尝尝小日本的风味小吃呢?While admiring the flowers in the city parks, why not try a savory local snack?

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萨佛伊饭店这次的整修,总共请了上千名艺术家与工艺师。Thousands of artists and craftsmen were hired for the Savory Hotel's renovations.

这个世界的救世主可能会割下我的脑袋或者把我当做调料喂给她的龙。The world's deliverer may snick off my head or give me to her dragons as a savory.

在阿卡普尔科的客人享受美味的食物,一种观点认为,第二没有。At Quinta Real Acapulco, guests enjoy savory food with a view that's second to none.