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删去旧的帐号。Delete old accounts.

投资类账户。Investment accounts.

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他窜改了账目。He doctored the accounts.

让我们把账算清。Let's square our accounts.

做好采购的台帐和记录工作。Keep good records on accounts.

转借、转让用户帐号的。Lending or transferring accounts.

好朋友勤算账。Short accounts make long friends.

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那个出纳员窜改了账目。The cashier doctored the accounts.

这样的复兴说明了什么呢?What accounts for this renaissance?

我可以在多个帐户上面使用BURU吗?Can I use BURU on multiple accounts?

我授权约翰管理账目。I have deputed the accounts to John.

今天我要跟你好好算算帐。Today I'll settle accounts with you.

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那就解释了这个现象。And that accounts for this phenomenon.

设置电子邮件帐户和“通讯簿”。Setup email Accounts and Address Books.

再下一行是“应收账款”。The next line is "accounts receivable".

用户帐号不得转借、转让。Accounts may not be lent or transferred.

他们是真人,还是一些机器人呢?Are they real or just some bot accounts?

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竞买人必须能够创建帐户。Bidders must be able to create accounts.

会计或应付账款相关知识。Accounting or accounts payable knowledge.

他甚至还看了其他著作。He even looked at other written accounts.