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我喜欢看霍华德和伯纳黛特的感情。I love the Howard and Bernadette relationship.

扎克,这是我的朋友们,伯纳黛特和艾米。Uh, Zack, these are my friends Bernadette and Amy.

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在她异像幻觉之后,牧师和教区居民似乎都在嘲笑贝尔纳德特。During and after her visions, clergy and parishioners alike ridiculed Bernadette.

Bernadette没有放弃希望,并开始寻找遭受性暴力的其他受害者。Bernadette did not give up hope and began seeking other victims of sexual violence.

在周四的这一集中,福克斯扮演伯纳黛特的健壮前男友,叫做格伦。On Thursday's episode , Fox plays Glenn, the hunky, 6-foot-7 ex-boyfriend of Bernadette.

路易威登集团提名前总统夫人、76岁的伯纳黛特·希拉克进入董事会。LVMH has nominated Bernadette Chirac, the 76-year-old wife of the former French president.

说了这么多,还没有转到正主上,万分歉意,以下就让我好好说说我那位恩人及再生父母。Said so much, not to is Lord, sorry sorry, let me say well that my benefactor and bernadette.

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这个女人自称为“完美概念”,而贝尔纳德特则称她为阿奎罗,也就是“那人”的意思。The woman called herself the Immaculate Conception, and Bernadette called her aquero, "that one."

这是一堂“缓慢家庭生活”课,教授者为围产期心理学家卡利康缇和伯纳黛特诺尔。This is a Slow Family Living class, taught by perinatal psychologist Carrie Contey and Bernadette Noll.

霍华德,伯纳黛特,人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。Howard, Bernadette. The need to find another human being to share one's life with, has always puzzled me.

我喜欢看霍华德和伯纳黛特的感情。很甜蜜,而且非常非常感人。I love the Howard and Bernadette relationship. There's a sweetness to it that I find very, very touching.

尽管她把这位法国总统和他的妻子贝尔纳黛特称为“我的再生父母”,但是,希拉克夫妇并没有正式收养她。She was not formally adopted by the Chiracs, although she describes the president and his wife Bernadette as "my second parents".

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为纪念卢德圣母显圣150周年,法国卢德一个宗教商店正出售各式的纪念品。A religious shop sells souvenirs on 150th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes, France.

就在当天晚上,几百英里之外,希姆莱到波罗的海边吕贝克的瑞典领事馆内会见伯纳多特伯爵。That very evening several hundred miles away Heinrich Himmler was meeting with Count Bernadette in the Swedish consulate at Luebeek on the Baltic.

卢尔德法国西南部比利牛斯山脚下的一个城镇,以罗马天主教的圣地而闻名。这个圣地传统是1858年圣母玛利亚出现在圣伯纳前的地方。人口17,425。It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in 1858. Population, 17,425.

虽然佩妮为了她爸而和莱纳德假装一对确实很吸引人,但是我更喜欢看到拉杰和霍华德女朋友伯纳黛接吻。Sure it was cute to see the latter pair pretend to be a couple for Penny's dad's sake, but I so enjoyed watching Raj bond with Howard's girlfriend, Bernadette.

虽然佩妮为了她爸而和莱纳德假装一对确实很吸引人,但是我更喜欢看到拉杰和霍华德女朋友伯纳黛接吻。Sure it was cute to see the latter pair pretend to be a couple for Penny’s dad’s sake, but I so enjoyed watching Raj bond with Howard’s girlfriend, Bernadette.

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来自澳大利亚墨尔本莫纳什大学的伯纳黛特·菲茨吉本和她的研究团队认为,那些抑制机理完全来自于与疼痛的联觉反应。Bernadette Fitzgibbon at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and colleagues, think those inhibitory mechanisms are themselves inhibited in pain synaesthetes.