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另外,贴水扩大也吸引了部分消费者的铜库存,因为订单活动减少。In addition, the wide backwardation is attracting some consumer material, as order activity fades.

期货升水是现货与期货价格之间的正常关系。Contango is the normal relationship between the spot price and the futures price and is the opposite of backwardation.

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如果你看看期货交易市场,现在正处于交割延期的时期,而这正预示了油价将要下跌Well not if you look at the futures market, which is in backwardation now and it's predicting major drops in the price of oil.

年终“贴水”——期货合约的到期推动商品价格走高,这也是黄金价格走高的原因之一。End of year " backwardation " – whereby expiration of futures contracts sends the commodity higher could also be a factor at play.

在商品市场,现货升水指现货或近月期约的价格高于远月期约的价格。In commodity markets, backwardation is a situation where the cash or near delivery price rises above the price for forward delivery.

这种情形称为期货”倒价“,表明投资者受到目前环境的惊吓,但不必然意味着这种情绪将长期保持下去。This is called backwardation and signals that investors are spooked by the current environment, but don't necessarily think it will persist.

由于沙特减少了投放到市场上的原油供应量,因此现货市场上的供应趋紧,从而使远期价格曲线转入现货升水状态。As Saudi Arabia withdrew oil from the market, physical fundamentals tightened and contributed to the forward curve moving back into backwardation.

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逆价差是指临近交割的期货合约价格高于远期合约,该现象通常在供应紧俏时出现.Backwardation is a market structure where future contracts for immediate delivery are more expensive than contracts for delivery in the future. It generally occurs when supplies are tight.

尽管新加坡仓单升水大幅上涨,但铝价倒挂局面的消失并未促进亚洲其它地区铝升水CIF报价的提高,事实上,有几个国家铝升水的CIF报价持续下跌。But despite sharply higher warrant premiums in Singapore, the disappearance of the backwardation has yet to boost CIF premiums elsewhere in Asia. In fact, in several countries they continue to fall.

然而未来铝价呈现顺价结构将会成为一种更为普遍的现象,这意味着近期合约价格要比远期合约价格更低,而铝价倒挂的情况刚刚相反。While a contango, the more common scenario with futures, implies that nearby contracts are cheaper than forward ones, backwardation refers to the opposite scenario, in which nearby prices are higher.