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世界还是在松动资金的浪头之中。The world is still awash in cheap money.

而且轻武器到处都是。The country is also awash with small arms.

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秋天的森林色彩缤纷、如诗如画。Awash with color, the forest in autumn is very picturesque.

当地市场和交易展览会上到处都是各怀抱负的品牌。Local markets and trade fairs are awash in aspiring brands.

但是原油和砂砾以及其他大量杂质胶合混杂在一起。But the oil is viscous and awash in sand and other impurities.

自然界充满了可再生的、生态友好型的能源。Nature is awash with renewable, eco-friendly energy resources.

波斯湾充斥着有毒的烟雾、烟尘和灰烬,并且下起了黑雨,出现了石油湖泊。The Gulf was awash in poisonous smoke, soot and ash. Black rain fell.

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欠债还钱是理所当然,特别是那些因为有石油而游手好闲的国家。Of course, debts should be paid, especially by deadbeats awash in oil.

阿甘图尔一处闻起来有些酸臭到处都是灰尘的村庄,就坐落在阿瓦什河的泛滥平原上。Adgantole was a sour-smelling, dusty village beside the Awash River floodplain.

货币上被淹没在顾客海中,大大小小的投资者都看中了黄金的安全性。Coin dealers are awash in customers as investors big and small see the safety of gold.

试想象当月亮接近地球时,潮汐将会上涨直至覆盖海底的岩浆层!Imagine the tides a moon that close would raise on an Earth awash with oceans of magma!

在那拍摄照片的时刻,不在众人注目的中心的芭蕾舞女演员充斥着蓝色的阴影。In this captured moment, out of the limelight, the ballerina is awash in shades of blue.

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随着如今美国原油供过于求,国会投票决定解除原油出口禁令。S. now awash in crude, Congress voted to reverse its peak-in-the-price ban on oil exports.

我被汉字的大海完全淹没了,它们看起来很有趣,可是完全不给什么发音线索。I was awash in a sea of characters that were all visually interesting but phonetically mute.

在斯里兰卡的拉特纳普勒,一位宝石采矿者正在黄色的泥水里通过冲洗淘出宝石。Awash in yellow, a gem miner near Ratnapura, Sri Lanka, separates stones from clay-laden mud.

花儿沐浴在阳光中,整个石质窗饰都映射出夺目的光辉。The flowers were awash in light, the glow radiated from around the stone tracery in the window.

在波多黎各的卢奎约海滩多云的夜空之下,棕榈树齐于水面地挺立于绿光之中。Under cloudy night skies, palm trees stand awash in green light on Luquillo Beach, Puerto Rico.

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在公共部门,尤其在英国,都设置岗位检查员并设定业绩目标。The public sector, particularly in Britain, is awash with inspectorates and performance targets.

我们渴望清晰明确的道德确信,但现实世界被昏暗不清的模棱两可所淹没。We crave a world of crisp moral certitudes , but the real world is awash with murky ambiguities.

这场不流血的战争持续一小时,把整个小镇变成了一片红色的海洋。The one-hour bloodless battle, known as the Tomatina, left the town awash in a sea of tomato pulp.