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儿子插言道,他突然变得很爱争论。broke in her son, growing suddenly argumentative.

追根究底,就是对现在的一种终结吧。Argumentative , that is, right now the end of a bar.

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我有排外思想,正嫉妒地嘲笑这一想法!My xenophobic and argumentative Desi Bhais scorn this idea in jealousy ! ! !

对“荒年募兵”等学界存在争论的问题,本文也进行了探讨。The article also discussed the argumentative question of the conscription in the lean years.

其次,从研究方法看,道学是义理之学。Second, seen from the method of research, Neo-Confucianism is an " argumentative philosophy".

现在高考作文一般都会选择议论文。Compositions for the college entrance examination are usually argumentative writings nowadays.

可是吴佩欣是个追根究底的人,她还是决定要去问彭刚事情的来龙去脉。But Wu Peixin is an argumentative person, she decided to ask Peng just what sequence of events.

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大多数演讲稿如同一篇议论文,有主要观点,有对主要观点的论证。The majority of the speech as a argumentative writing, have main viewpoint, has the main points.

在各种文体的教学中,尤以议论文最具挑战性。Among different types of writing, argumentative teaching is the most challenging one to the teachers.

如果他们在物质层是支持并相爱的,通常他们在梦想层是好斗并争辩的。If they were supportive and loving in the physical, often they were belligerent and argumentative in dreamtime.

在对所争论问题的解答过程中,实际上提出了一种解决马克思价值转形问题的新方法。A new method to solve value transformation problem of Marx is proposed lien answering the argumentative problems.

哲学当然不容许单纯的武断或妄自尊大,也不容许任意无端的往复辩论。Philosophy of course tolerates no mere assertions or conceits, and checks the free play of argumentative see-saw.

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进一步的研究表明,中国学习者少用最高程度词,超用增强程度词。First, it is found that Chinese learners overuse the whole category of amplifiers in their argumentative writings.

另外一些人也对此有争议,那些被送进日托的孩子倾向于更有攻击性、不服从性和爱争辩性。Others argue that socially, children who attend daycare tend to be more aggressive, disobedient and argumentative.

就像我开始提到的这一点,当我们紧张时,最终会变得顽固,变得爱争论。Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, when we are tense, we end up being stubborn and become argumentative.

该章还简要分析了本文研究结果对社论文乃至论辩文的阅读及写作教学的意义。The author also briefly evaluates implications of this research to the reading and writing teaching of argumentative texts.

议论文写作中,利用反证法常能很好地驳斥对方论点并树立自己的论点。Using rebuttals of evidence in an argumentative paper can both attack the arguments of your opponents and support your own ones.

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鉴于高中学段的特殊性,还是应该让学生先写好记叙文,再练习议论文。Given the specificity of the high school segment, should allow students to write narrative, first and then argumentative practice.

用“三要素”理论中的“中心论点”说来解释议论文,有的解释不通。The "central argument" in the "three essential factors" theory cannot explain all the situations about the argumentative writings.

在系列采访中的某一次,老盖茨说,盖茨成长的第一阶段──爱争论的小男孩──大约是从11岁的时候开始的。The first stage -- argumentative young boy -- 'started about the time he was 11,' Mr. Gates Sr. says in one of a series of interviews.