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享受在海滩沐足。Enjoying footbath on the beach.

如果说女人是水,那么多次恋爱的女人就是洗脚水。The ones who have fallen in love time after time are footbath water.

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将一点点芥末粉加到洗脚盆里有助于杀死灭运动员脚部的真菌。A bit of mustard powder added to a footbath helps kill athlete's foot fungus.

当她就要去找她的儿子的时候,她儿子回来了带着一洗脚盆的水。When she are going to find her son, her son came back with a footbath of water.

如果说女人是水,那么恋爱多次的女人就象洗脚水。If women are clean water, the ones who have fallen in love time after time are footbath water.

泳客进入泳池前,必须先在濯足池淋洗全身。Before entering the swimming pool, all swimmers must pass through the footbath to the swimming pool.

我记得每一次都是奶奶把脚盆拿到我面前,轻轻地揉着我的脚,那感觉真是太舒服了。I remember every time is grandma put footbath before me, gently rubbed my feet, that it's very comfortable feeling.

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宾馆备有会议室,美容中心,足浴,棋牌室等休闲娱乐场所。The hotel is equipped with such entertainment facilities as meeting rooms, beauty salon, Footbath , and Chess&card rooms.

参赛者进入游泳池前,必须行经淋浴池和濯足池,以保持个人衞生。Participants must walk through the shower bath and the footbath before entering the pool deck to upkeep your personal hygiene.

由于足浴需要温水才舒服,何老闆起先怀疑,这些医生鱼是否可以在温水中生存,他也不确定客人能不能接受。But Ho doubted they would thrive in the warm water needed for a comfortable footbath . And he didn't know if customers would like the idea.

我们独特地集沐浴SPA汗蒸美容足浴健身餐饮棋牌客房大型演艺于一体,邀您在此放松心情,品味生活,感受激情。We set a unique steam bath beauty SPA Footbath Khan Fitness Room Dining Card in one large-scale performing arts, invites you to relax in this, the taste of life, the feelings of passion.