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从重建方案子公司WFIU出印第安纳严重爵士乐节目。Serious Jazz programing from NRP affiliate WFIU out of Indiana.

通过椭圆台铣削编程加工实例说明了宏程序编程过程和使用效果。And the programing and effect are stated by the process of the ellipse.

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介绍用计算机软件产生正弦稳态扫频信号的编程方法。The method of producing sine sweep by computer programing is introduced.

但在面向对象编程中有没有对象的情况下机器语言。But in the case of oop programing there are no objects in machine language.

程序编制采用PC—1500机器语言和BASIC语言的混合编程。Combined programing is performed in PC-1500 machine language and BASIC language.

这是最后一个电视故事,故事之后我们将按照正常电影新闻节目安排为您转播节目。One last TV story, and we’ll return to the regularly scheduled film news programing.

本文主要对这四部分做了详细的分析,给出了这几个模块的设计方法和编程思想。The paper primarily analyzed the four-part detailed and provided the designingTand programing thought.

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我想在对日常编程工作的影响上,增长的数据容量要远远超过多核。I think that increased data volumes will impact day to day programing work far more than multicore will.

在新兴语言集会的博客上面,你说新的程序语言通常试图解决新的问题。On the Emerging Languages Camp blog, you said new programing languages are often attempts at solving new problems.

我正找一个有经验的PHP程序员要为我的新成员网站的一些PHP的编程测试。I am looking for an experienced PHP programmer to do some testing of the PHP programing for my new membership site.

并利用OLE自动化编程方法,进行了毕各庄煤矿生产管理信息系统的开发。Then the producing management information system of bigezhung colliery is developed by OLE automatic programing method.

如今,“威客”在广州悄然出现,他们通过网络竞标接下任务,小到宠物取名,大到市场调查、程序开发等,应有尽有。Now, 'Witkey' netizens appear in Guangzhou, they bid tasks through internet, from name a pet to market analysis , software programing and so on.

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在轮廓的偏移计算中,提出了截距方程法,可对任意位置及偏移类型的轮廓线段进行求解,推导出的截距方程计算简单,易于编程实现。A novel method used to offset contours is present. This method based on intercept equation of offset contours is very easy to calculate and programing.

将此模型写入已有的非线性规划程序,输入计算机,即可求得该机构的最优设计参数。The optimal design parameters can be gained by writing the mo- del into a prime source program of nonlinear programing and inputting it into a computer.

本文通过对新型燃气还原炉电气控制设计,阐述了PCL基本顺序指令编程方法和步进状态编程方法,证明了微机应用于能耗设备上的节能可能性及必要性。Based on electric contrd design of mew mode reduction furnace, this paper explained PCLbasic program programing method and step by step programming method.

美国多家电视台插播了这则消息,这使奥巴马在2012年大选前有了宝贵的时间澄清此事。US television networks broke into their regular programing for Obama's statement, giving him valuable air time just as the 2012 campaign is beginning to stir.

现在还没有关于美国国家航空和航天管理局要将Robonaut用于实际任务中的信息,或许它的第一项工作将会是电子起重器或是湿气蒸发器。No word yet on when NASA plans on deploying the Robonaut on an actual mission, or if its first job will be programing binary load lifters and moisture vaporators.

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据说警察搜查违禁外国节目时,会把整个街区的电给掐断,如有人被发现播放器里有非法DVD,将会被送入监狱。However, Police searching for banned foreign programing are known to cut power for entire apartment blocks and jail anyone caught with an illegal DVDs stuck in players.

以椭圆为例,介绍了数控车削加工中,采用用户宏程序编制非圆曲线零件的加工程序的两种方法,并进行比较。With the ellipse as an example, this paper introduces and compares two methods used in the programing of the parts of non -circle curve contour in the NC turning machining.

某些东西是否相似,模仿了其它东西,请问是否有一些合作伙伴版权问题,只要你们自己做程序?Whether or not if something is very similar, replicate something that is out there if there is any certain patner copyright issues as long as you do the programing yourself?