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乙醚对细胞的存活率影响不大。Aether has little influence on the cell livability.

随着自行车交通的增加,博兹曼的宜居性也在增加。As bike traffic increases, so too the livability of Bozeman.

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这些地方的生活质量和宜居性确实令人心碎。The quality of life and livability of these areas is really heartbreaking.

宜居,是城市最基本的存在和发展的前提。Livability is the basic prerequisite of a city's existence and development.

对这个以好客和宜居性引以为荣的城市而言,这就是一种伤害。It was wounding for a city that prides itself on hospitality and livability.

延迟投饵2天以上使云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼的存活率显著下降。The larvae livability obviously decreased due to delayed feeding for more than 2 days.

第三,分析我国城市宜居性的挑战与理论建设的方向。Thirdly, it analyzes the challenges and theory construction of livability in Chinese cities.

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在海绵城市设计中,对城市宜居性的提升应与对气候的适应并重。Improved livability and climate adaption should go hand in hand when designing sponge cities.

城市宜居性是指城市或区域内的居民对其所享受生活质量的感受。Livability is defined as"quality of life"as experienced by the residents within a city or region.

宜居城市是城市发展的高级阶段,体现了以人为本的精神。Livability city is the advanced moment of urban development, which reflects the spirit of human oriented.

因此,减少早产发生率、提高早产儿存活率是优生优育的根本战略措施。How to decrease the preterm prevalence, to enhance preterm livability is the fundamental strategy of prepotency.

在4℃下,不同含水量的孢子粉的活孢率始终比25℃下降低缓慢。The livability of Acremonium hansfordii conidia with different moisture content at 4℃reduced slowly compared with 25℃.

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正如规划署再三重申,研究所提出的是原则性建议,以提升湾区的宜居性。As explained by the Planning Department, the Study is conceptual with a view to enhancing the livability of the Bay Area.

然而近年来,街道的品质却在急速地衰败中,人们逐渐与街道疏远而不自知。However, the street livability has declined rapidly in recent years, and people were unconscious of alienating from the street.

而在35℃条件下,印度谷螟成虫的产卵期很短,且卵的孵化率很低,存活率为零。But stage that the Indian meal moth lay egg was very short at 35℃, and hatching rate of laid eggs is very low, livability is zero.

国外发达国家都将城市住宅宜居水平作为衡量社会进步和居民安居乐业的重要标志。The level of house's livability is also an important mark of a prosperous, wealthy and peaceful society in the developed countries.

城市宜居是人们对于他所居住的城市的适宜性和满意度的一种感受,与城市特色高度关联。City's livability is the suitability and satisfaction of people with a city, and it is closely related to the city's characteristic.

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经济学家信息社对全球140个城市的宜居性进行的调查显示,澳大利亚墨尔本当选为全球最适合居住的城市。The Economist Intelligence Unit's global livability survey of 140 cities chose Australia's Melbourne as the world's most livable city.

墨尔本市是一个动态的,渐进的城市,国际公认的多样性,创新,可持续性,和存活率。City of Melbourne is a dynamic, progressive city, internationally recognized for its diversity, innovation, sustainability, and livability.

结果持续给药组细胞存活率显著低于一次性给药组。Results The cell livability of continuous exposure chemotherapy group was significantly lower than that of the group from once exposure chemotherapy.