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我加入了他们的远足。I joined their excursion.

他有了一个充满磨砺的短途旅行。He had a painful excursion.

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我要买一张一票通。I'd like to buy an excursion pass.

这种偏转将在夏季进行。That excursion was carried out in summer.

我想预订参加一个岸上观光团。I want to prebook a shore excursion for one.

我想买一张优待票代替。I'd like to buy an excursion ticket instead.

没有假体下沈和明显偏移。There was no prosthesis subsidence or excursion.

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看看它在y方向的,偏移。Look at the excursion it makes in the y direction.

和平公园春游时男生们的合影。All the boys in the Spring excursion to Peace Park.

每人参加岸上观光团的费用是多少呢?What is the fee for a shore excursion for one person?

昨天格莱托和克拉克一家去郊游。Yesterday Gretel went on an excursion with the Clarks.

但是所谓旅行,那是终得归家来的。But the point of an excursion is that you come home again.

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学习怎么和婆家相处是大事。In this excursion speaking with the in-laws is what matters.

乘渡船进入公园使这一游览活动更有吸引力。Access to the park by ferryboat adds appeal to this excursion.

从布宜诺斯艾利斯出发的旅游船在六天内可抵达伊瓜苏瀑布。Excursion steamers from Buenos Aires reach the falls in six days.

九班的同学在学校旅行中过得很愉快。他们去了蓝水水族馆玩了一天。The students in Class Nine had a good time in the school excursion.

我们还推荐去杜罗河上游的短途自选一日游。We also recommend a full day optional excursion to the Upper Douro.

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一个小型的离心式鼓风机。这种偏转将在夏季进行。A small centrifugal blower. That excursion was carried out in summer.

但是我们可以从钓鱼桥乘船游览黄石湖。But from the Fishing Bridge you can take a boat excursion on the lake.

取消到杰克逊的附加游览给我们七天的缓冲。Eliminating the side excursion to Jackson gives us a seven-day buffer.