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情节是复杂的,他们是曲折和戏剧。The plots are complicated, and they are flexuous and dramatic.

她那躲躲闪闪的柔弱身体,也变成了那片景物中不可分割的一个部分。Her flexuous and stealthy figure became an integral part of the scene.

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爱情总是一个曲折的过程,她不可抛弃,不能伤害,而且知道自己爱的究竟是谁。Love never is a flexuous thing, never been forsaken, never to be hurt and know who I love.

这段研究历史曲折、丰富,堪称生物医学研究领域中的生动案例。The fruitful and flexuous process deserved to be called a vivid story in biomedical research field.

冷战期间,中国与东盟国家的关系经历了一个曲折的发展历程。During the Cold War , the relationship between China and ASEAN countries had experienced a flexuous process.

从原始社会简单的“断竹、续竹、飞土、逐肉”发展到今天,中国的声乐艺术经历了一个漫长而又曲折的发展过程。From "Duanzhu, Xuzhu, Feitu, Zhurou" in primitive society to today, Chinese vocal art has through a long and flexuous process.

建国以来我国农村土地制度的创新和发展走过了一条曲折复杂的道路,经历了四次重大变革。Rural land system in China has changed four times since the founding of the PRC and those changes are very flexuous and complicated.

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它呈现出的是一个飞动活泼、神秘富丽的神异世界,这个世界富于折线之美、生活之美、飞动之美、信仰之美。It is a flying and lively and mysterious and magnificence world with the rich aesthetics which comes from flexuous line, life, fly, belief.

上古精神文明的演进历程并非直线上升式的,而是一个曲折往复的缓慢渐进的过程。The evolution of ancient spiritual civilization did not go through a straight line, but rather went through a gradual and flexuous process.

作为世界石油工业的重要组成部分,油田服务公司伴随着石油工业的兴衰起伏经历了100多年的曲折发展历程。As one of indispensable parts of world petroleum industry, oilfield service companies have over 100 year's flexuous histories together with oil companies.

吹氩形成的微气泡群可以显著改善中间包内流体的运动轨迹,流体运动的路线更加曲折,并且全程流动靠近液体表面。Because, the movement track of liquid steel is improved by the argon bubbling and route of fluid flow is much more flexuous and close to the bath surface.

经历了曲折的发展历程之后,公共艺术修养课带给大学生的艺术气质和人文修养被人们所认识,并且深受欢迎。After the flexuous development, the lesson of public art culture has become much popular among the undergraduates because of the art temperament and personality culture.

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樟树林中蜿蜒的木栈道、湿地景区内曲折的木栈桥、长廊、风雨亭等园林小品已竣工完成。What have already been completed is a wandering wooden path in the camphor woods, a wooden flexuous bridge in the aquatic plants area, long corridors, and pavilions etc.

劳里·欧林是当代世界最著名的风景园林景观设计师之一,他的独特的设计思想形成过程波折动人。Laurie D. Olin is one of the most famous landscape architects in the world. His design method is unique and the process of his landscape design is flexuous and affecting.

具有显示力和温度波形曲线、热电偶标定和测力仪刻度标定、确定切削温度和切削力指数公式的能力。The system is capable of displaying temperature and forces flexuous curve, demarcating the thermoelectric couple and ergometer, and establishing the experiential formulation.

该仪器具有显示温度波形曲线、热电偶标定、确定切削温度指数公式、判定切削状态的能力。It is capable of displaying temperature flexuous curve, calibrating thermocouple, establishing the cutting temperature exponential formulation and predicating the state of cutting.