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展馆的核心展品是法国的花园。Gardens are the centerpiece of the pavilion.

“对于我,”她说,“核心问题就是改名字。”“For me, ” she said, “the centerpiece was the name change.”

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蓝屋历来是白宫圣诞装点的中心。The Blue Room is the centerpiece of the White House decorations.

泰姬陵的中心墓室错综复杂,占地42英亩。The Taj Mahal itself forms the centerpiece of a 42-acre complex.

主要对病人记录进行数字化的电子病历是关键部分。An EMR, which mainly digitizes patient records, is the centerpiece.

大厅建于1915年,是巴拿马-太平洋博览会的中心厅。It was built in 1915 as the centerpiece of the Panama-Pacific Exposition.

餐桌中心的绿色火箭发射场模型上摆着一座精美的火箭模型。The centerpiece was an ornate model rocket on a green fauna launching pad.

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墓葬的中心是一座金棺,金棺上可以找到马其顿国王王权的象征。The centerpiece was a gold sarcophagus with the symbol of the Macedonian king.

左边的墙最重要的就是宜家的抽油烟机,这对我们的小公寓来说是必不可少的。The left wall centerpiece is the Ikea range hood, a must for a tiny apartment.

小贴士加入果岭花香的中心在这个自由如何做花视频。Tips on adding greens to a floral centerpiece in this free how-to flower video.

当这顿饭的主菜鱼翅羹摆在我面前时,我还是把它吃了。When the soup — the centerpiece of the meal — was set down before me, I ate it.

这项DNA研究的关键物证就是于2008年发现的丹尼索万人的指骨化石。The centerpiece of the DNA study is a Denisovan fossil finger bone discovered in 2008.

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顶面马赛克图腾的中心挂着罩着蓝色玻璃的枝形吊灯。In the middle of the centerpiece mosaic hangs a chandelier encased in a blue glass cube.

在另一个中立的客厅,浅绿色和红色的软椅是吸引眼球的中心装饰品。In an otherwise neutral living room, an aqua and red ottoman is an eye-catching centerpiece.

了解如何在一个万圣节在这个自由的核心工艺蜡烛台视频还愿。Learn how to make votive candle holders in a Halloween centerpiece in this free craft video.

这意味着设计时治理仍然是真正的SOA实施的核心所在。This means that design-time governance is still a centerpiece of any true SOA implementation.

了解如何填写这个免费视频的秋天聚宝盆工艺的核心或大量号角。Learn how to fill your fall cornucopia centerpiece or horn of plenty in this free craft video.

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了解耗材您需要在这个自由工艺的核心视频的秋天聚宝盆。Learn about the supplies you need to make a fall cornucopia centerpiece in this free craft video.

准备在此免费视频中心焦点从一个花卉设计师与技巧的核心容器。Prep a centerpiece container with tips from a floral designer in this free video on centerpieces.

学习驾驶航天飞机在许多方面是过去宇航员训练的中心内容。Learning to pilot the space shuttle was in many ways the centerpiece of past astronauts’ training.