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军医问我。The medic asked.

他更像一个医生。It is more like being a medic.

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数个有着十字医疗标志的帐篷在旁边。Next to them were tents, adorned with the medic cross.

雨果.门多萨是亚利桑那州厄尔巴索的一名医护兵。Spec. Hugo Mendoza was a medic from El Paso and Arizona, Sgt.

另外,在医护人员的空间,科比和Helmeppo正在恢复。Meanwhile, at the medic room, Coby and Helmeppo are recovering.

医疗运输机是极具争议的护士的替代品。The Medivac Dropship was the controversial replacement to the Medic.

“医疗风险无处不在”已成为医疗界的共识。In the medic field it is a common consensus that medical risk is everywhere.

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直升机应该到这里了,我们抬他离开这里,"军医说。"The helicopter should be here, let's get him out of here, " the medic said.

咀嚼间,医师告诉我,反叛前他是一位医生的助手。Between bites, the medic tells me he was a doctor's assistant before the rebellion.

这名男子詹森吉尔伯特人,她记住作为苜来自菲律宾。This man was Gilbert Jensen, whom she remembered as the medic from the Philippines.

“他甚至没被树枝划伤,”医师说,睁大了虔诚的眼睛。"He wasn't even scratched by the branches, " the medic says, his good eye widening.

2011年3月5日,一名急救员在班加西附近的一处被炸毁的武器备用站搜寻尸体。A medic searches for bodies in a destroyed weapons dump near Benghazi March 5, 2011.

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州长Tancredi看见Sara被国民警卫队护送到临时医疗站。Governor Tancredi spots Sara as National Guard soldiers escort her to the medic station.

一个排医疗兵有一些在一般医疗兵之上或之外的职责。The Platoon Medic has several responsibilities above and beyond what a normal medic has.

当营救的支奴干最后到达的时候,一个军医走出来跪在尸体面前。When the rescue Chinook eventually arrived a medic stepped out and knelt over the corpse.

这些神圣的战士医生穿梭于战场上,为那些倒下的同伴疗伤。A holy field medic , these padres roam the battlefield curing the wounds of fallen comrades.

上世纪六十年代在德国,希特勒军队里的一个医生Schaefer逃脱了虐待儿童的指控。A former medic in Hitler's army Paul Schaefer fled child abuse charges in Germany in the 60s.

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太子港某诊所,一名妇女晕倒在救援人员怀里。A woman faints in the arms of a medic in an emergency clinic in Petionville in Port-au-Prince.

对于一位大病临身的患者,只能靠高超的医术挽救他的健康和生命。For a gravely ill patient, only superb medic al skill can recover his health and save his life.

这种情况可以用战地止血包来避免,或者找到一个医疗兵使用医疗包。This can be countered by using the field dressing or by finding a medic with a medical aid bag.